May 2014 Reflections and Top 3 Looks.

This post is coming a lot later than usual, but I have had a very busy June. The blog has been taking more of a backseat these last couple of weeks. I happen to think that despite the days being longer, we are busier in the Summer. I also recapped my 30 for 30 challenge late. So anyway, better late than never.

In May, I posted 24 times, which give or take it means I took a whole week off from blogging - much necessary. (As I have mentioned before, I try not to let blogging make me tired and I rarely schedule posts ahead due to time.) Not counting the 3 Outfits (left over) from the 30 for 30 challenge, I showed you guys 22 Outfits, and there were 4 two-fer posts. There were 3 posts where I didn't show any OOTDs at all. Vivian made some appearances but not as many as before. It is hard taking photos of here lately. She is always running around. We had a few cold days in May so you saw the last of my Sweaters and Boots in a couple of Outfits. When the weather started warming up you saw a lot of Dresses, some Skirts and Ballet Flats, Sandals and Wedges for Footwear. As a SAHM, I usually have more Casual Outfits in this blog (since that's what I wear daily), but in May it was about half and half, since I showed you just as many Dressy Outfits. I wore a lot of my Dresses with Pumps, also. You saw a Lot of Blazer as well and Blues + Nautical Stripes were popular for my May Outfit Resume. My New Olive Cargo Pants were remixed twice (in a two-fer post). Some other items you saw more than once were my Anchor Chambray Shirt, as well as some of my Favorite Handbags like my New Red MK Tote, my New Gold Elliot Lucca Tote and my Windowpane Clutch. However my most favorite of all was my Birthday Post where I showed you a New Dress (that Outfit happens to be my Most Favorite of the month) and even invited 6 of my favorite bloggers to Style some Dresses for me. It was such a Fun and Fashionable Post. 

And speaking of Guests and Collaborations, my main collaboration in May (continuing through June) was with the Sweet and Lovely Amy Ann with which I did our Spring Must Haves which was a lot of fun and one of my favorite blogger collaborations thus far. I kicked off my Birthday Month co-hosting Tres Chic Thursday with the Pretty and Fashionable Mamma Agnes. Then later in the month I co-hosted Stylish Tuesday with the Sassy, Stylish and Sexy Paige. They were two very fun link-ups. I adore both of these ladies' styles and I am a regular follower of their blogs. Join their link-ups if you don't already. There was a Special Mother's Day Post in the last month too, where I invited two Favorite Mother-to-Be Bloggers Londyn and Laura. Check out their blogs as well. These ladies are gorgeous and have incredible style. I bet their little baby girls will follow in their footsteps.

Overall I had a great month of Outfits in May, it was hard choosing these favorites. There were a couple of Outfits that I liked less but I didn't hate any overall, so I am just showing the Top 3 Looks (in my ranking of how I liked them) and a few more (in no order). Enjoy and Thank You for reading Ladies. Enjoy the Rest of the Weekend!!

I love this dress first and foremost. I love the 2 different sizes of the Classic/Neutral  Houndstooth Print (one of my Most Favorite Prints). I love the Patten-Mixing I did with my Windowpane Clutch and Python Pumps, keeping it Monochrome still. The Jewelry added Sparkle but I kept it Pretty Simple. This was a favorite among yours, too.
This was another New Dress that I wore in May. It has one of my Favorite Colors of the moment - Cobalt and it is in a Classic Silhouette - Wrap Style. I love the length of the Dress which would make it perfect for work too (not just date night - what I wore it to) and I love that it has long sleeves. A Beaded Lariat Necklace and Silver Pave Bracelet was all I needed to accessorize with and the Nude Pumps were perfect for it. I wore this as "The Statement Dress" for our "Spring Must Haves" series.
I styled this 'borrowed' Dress for a Horse Racing Event using my Favorite, Beautiful, Big Floppy Hat. The Teal of the Hat picked up the Greens of the Dress. I added Colorful Bracelets, Necklace, Clutch and Rainbow-Striped Wedges which also matched all the other Colors of the Dress. It ended up being a Super Colorful and Bold Outfit but it was Girly and Fun.
Which are your 2-3 Favorite Outfits from above? Let me know. =)

P.S. Linking up with Carolyn, Claire, Doranda, Laura, Leeann, Molly, Patti, Saumya and Shea.

If you like what I wear you can follow me via Bloglovin. Thank you!!


  1. Of all of the outfits, I like the houndstooth dress the best too! It's such a cute dress and I like the different sizes of houndstooth print on it!

  2. Great outfits, Ada - the checked dress and striped skirt are lovely! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo.

  3. My favorite outfit of yours is the one with the watercolor dress and big floppy hat! You look so happy!

  4. My favorite is the polka dot sheath. Great colors!

  5. As I read your recap I'm realizing you had a busy blogging month! So fun to see your top picks. I love everything you selected! I loved collaborating with you. You are so kind! Happy Monday friend!

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  6. All great outfits Ada!!!!! The first dress is my favourite.


  7. I think my favorite outfits are the dress you wore on your birthday and your watercolor dress. I really love the teal hat you paired with it! Hats are such a fun addition to any outfit :)

  8. Lots of great looks! I especially like you in the emerald and in the blue dress.
    from the link up, jess

    please stop by

  9. I love that cobalt blue on you, and you are really really making me miss pencil skirts!! Hope you had a great weekend!!

  10. Ada,

    Sound like you're super busy this summer. I love all your outfits my favorite is the birthday outfit and the high low dress with the floppy hat. I just love all your looks Ada!!

  11. You wear color so well! My favorite is the watercolor dress. Don't worry about being busy with life - we'll all be here when you post!

  12. Ada, I love your dresses! Stunning and suit you really well! I love the first body-con one the best.. super elegant!

  13. It's fun to see which of your outfits were your favorite. Although I can understand why you loved your birthday dress, the blue one is my personal favorite and I also think it looks beautiful on you!
    Gina -- On the Daily Express

  14. You go girl! These looks are awesome! I love the dress w/ the floppy hat. That dress is beautiful on you!
    Thanks for linking up!


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