Splurge vs. Save: Turquoise, Bow, Floppy Hat.

Good Morning Ladies. Today's Post is a little different. First, I was contacted by The Credit Card Insider to write up a Splurge vs. Save Post about an item I scored that is very similar or almost identical to another item I coveted. The Insider Blog's Mantra is all about being a responsible shopper while using your credit cards. You don't want to deal with high bills at the end of the month which you might not be able to pay off and then you have to pay all the extra credit card fees associated with the bills. I have been there before guys, I never want to be there again. =) So, the item I saved on was my Turquoise Bow Floppy Hat. This post is also about a Hi-Lo Summer Dress that I received to Style a couple of different ways and do a review on, from a Local Boutique. The Dress is from the New Spring line by H&M. I combined both the Floppy Hat and the Dress in the very Colorful Outfit you see today, which would be the Perfect Outfit to wear for an Equestrian Race. 
First of all, every time I visit Nordstrom there are two departments that I could be lost at all day: Shoes and Hats. They always have a very large, beautiful collection of each. Though I do own a couple of Floppy Hats purchased for cheap at stores like Forever 21, they are mostly for the Beach or Summer Vacations. For the longest time I wanted a Beautiful, Dressy, Girly Floppy Hat in a Turquoise Color. I associate Turquoise with Summer so I thought the Color would be perfect. I wanted my Hat to be Wide Brim, in a Nice Straw material, not too heavy or too light, featuring either a Bold Flower like a Rose or a Bold Bow on the back. I would probably use such a Hat for an Outdoors Summer Wedding, a Tea Party or a Racing Event (I have gone to a couple of those). The two hats below (both from Nordstrom) are the two I was coveting, but I am not one to spend $70 on a Floppy Hat, let alone $100. The very similar hat that I am wearing was $9. Brand-New Hat for 9 bucks - a great purchase for me! And I must say for the price, the quality is really good, because I have already worn it a couple of times and gotten compliments on it. It is a pretty thick straw material and the Gorgeous Bow on the back is in a thick linen+burlap blend ribbon.

As far as the Hi-Lo Dress, it was lent to me by a Local Boutique to style a couple of different ways for Summer. So you will be seeing it again on the blog, styled differently. The Dress is like a Modern Watercolor. The print resembles pixel images and it is mostly Hot Pink, Black + White. But there are other Colors on the Dress like Greens, Yellows and Blues which I picked up through my Accessories. I like that the Dress is a Midi length but features the still-popular Hi-lo hem. There is a fun Asymmetric Ruffle going across the bust area. It is definitely a Bold Dress, even for me LOL. For the first styling I did, I went the "More is More" route by piling the Bright Neon Bracelets, adding a Necklace and wearing some Rainbow-Striped Espadrille Wedges that bring out each color of the Dress. Of course I added the Floppy Hat since this would be as an Outfit for a Horse Racing Event (I am actually going to one in June and will be wearing a Similar Outfit, myself). Have you ever been to a Horse Race? What would you wear? Do you own a Big Floppy Hat? How did I style this Outfit? Let me know.
Multi-Colored, Hi-lo, Asymmetric Summer Dress w/ Ruffle: c/o (borrowed by) a Local Boutique, H&M (identical + an excellent price), (similar in floral), (similar in red chiffon), (similar in colorful chiffon).
Turquoise-Teal, Wide-Brim, Floppy Hat w/ Large Bow on the Back: A Local Boutique (very similar, SPLURGE), (similar, SAVE), (similar 2).
Pink, Floral-Green & Lavender, Plastic Beaded Necklace: A Local Boutique. (similar, SAVE), (similar, SPLURGE), (longer option, love this), 
1 Magenta/Fuchsia & 1 Turquoise, Stretchy, Triangle+Small Circle Beaded Bracelet: American Fashion & Jewelry.
Neon Yellow Chain Rubber Bracelet: A $1.00 Boutique (New).
Real Leather Turquoise, Logo Wallet/Small Clutch: Bebe (similar, on sale), (similar, SAVE), (similar, SPLURGE).
Hot Pink, Multi-Colorful Stripped Wedge Espadrilles: Payless (very similar, SAVE), (similar + great deal, love these), (similar, SPLURGE).

P.S. First of all I am linking up with Spotlight Weekly - the theme today is Summer Hats. Also linking with Tara, Rekita, Whitney, Renae, Rachel, Lauren and Allison. Lastly, I am linking up with Erin and Laura because their Trend Spin next Tuesday is Bold Fashions and I cannot think of a Bolder Outfit than this, right?

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  1. I am really having to watch my spending right now. I can get caught up so easily in just pretty things and charging it and paying it off "later." Well, later comes awful fast and always bites you in the butt!

    You look super pretty! That hat color is amazing.

  2. That dress is really fun! The print almost reminds me of blurry city lights at night. And way to rock a hat! I feel silly in hats and therefore never really think about buying them. Yours is fantastic and I'm glad you found it for cheap :)

  3. I've been eyeing this dress at H&M for quite sometime now, I'm really loving it on you, I think I maybe needing to get this dress!

  4. I love that dress! It looks so great with the pops of turquoise - you know how much I love color!!! xoxo Danielle @ For the Love of Leopard

  5. This is so fun! I love all the color. How awesome for you to have these great opportunities and product reviews. I have never been to a horse race, but my husband really wants to go. Maybe some day!

  6. Love the fun color! I would love to get all dressed up and have a fun hat for a horse race! This is the perfect outfit!

  7. This is too pretty beyond words. I love the dress with the hat. Perfect for so many spring/summer events.

  8. I am such a hat girl, this turquoise one is so striking! Nice job finding one for under $10!
    Chic on the Cheap

  9. I like the colors and your hat. The dress looks as if it would go with sandals too :). Thank you for all of your comments on the posts, so sweet and thanks for any feedback/ Birthday wishes. My other children are Nevaeh (5), and Alexander (2) :) thanks for the compliments with our family photos. We had fun :)

  10. I really like the print and colors of this dress! And the hat really brings out the blues in the dress.

  11. What a great dress, Ada! Very fun and so colorful!

  12. Hi Ada, that's such a pretty dress on you-love the colours! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and your kind words:) I am happy to support you and following you along on Bloglovin. Have a great weekend!
    Marta xo

  13. I always keep an eye out on what I buy.

  14. I love this dress and it looks amazing on you. Totally my style. I adore the colour accessories you chose to pair it with. My spending is pretty out of control at the moment, it's so bad.

  15. This dress looks great on you! Love the hat! Your outfit is perfect for summer events including horse racing. It reminds me of the styles I see when I watch the Kentucky Derby.


  16. Oh Ada! I love your hat! Great color and shape. I would just like my hair back, thank you. Is that too much to ask? Yup, I'm bald now. (and hats, wigs and scarves are BUGGIN') lol

  17. Loving the hat Ada!!!!!



  18. from the link up. I love the colors in your dress! so springy, the hat is awesome! Now you need to head to the Kentucky Derby! :-)
    Please stop by



  19. Love the print on the dress and girl, you are rockin' that hat!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Such a lovely outfit. Thanks for linking up...xo!


  22. Love your hat & great dress!


  23. loving the colorful hat and dress you are wearing! looks like summer, very pretty colors, Ada! :)

  24. I absolutely love your hat, especially the colour. Your dress is gorgeous, love the print, the style and the colours.


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