The Fab 40s - Borrowed from the Boys. Plus Thursday Moda Returns.

Hi everyone and happy October. And Happy Fall officially (though we are almost halfway through it, already). As you have all noticed I haven't blogged in 2.5 months - that is the longest break I have taken from my blog since I first started it in April 2012 (when I got pregnant with Vivian). I have been so so busy and so happy at the same time. I am happy, joyeful and grateful for everything God has brought into my life and getting to share it all with a wonderful man. I have dedicated so much time to MY FAMILY and it has been real nice. My blog and my Instagram (my Facebook too actually) have all taken a backseat and I haven't posted much anywhere except on my Instagram stories. There have been many many changes happening with me and my family too - happy changes to be honest - but we will get to them all on a future post. Speaking of posts, our monthly "The Fab 40s" was supposed to be blogged yesterday - as it is on the last Monday of every month - but I haven't been able to due to time. Such is the life of an adult when raising kids. But on this "Welcome Back" post I am not alone. I bring you again my sweet daughter Vivian and a guest appearance by my friend Jennifer. And a million photos too - making up for lost time - taken on a beautiful Fall day in early October.

With all that said I am so glad to not only be blogging today - on a Tuesday - but to be back with my other four fantastic, fun and fashionable friends from the Fab Forties (yes I did mean for that alliteration to happen). And today the "theme" is "Inspired by the Boys". Now my outfit is full of flounce, fall colors, fall decor and fun backgrounds (yes more alliterations), you would think how was I inspired by the boys?! Well look carefully and pay attention to the little details my friends. See that fun mosaic stripe running down the sides of my Target jeans?! That is a little masculine throwback reminds me of the infamous tuxedo pants first designed for men/boys and worn by men/boys. One more inspiration taken from the boys: my loafers - another fabulous Target find, on clearance nevertheless. I love that these espadrille loafers combine a soft real black leather cap with silver perforated leather. I also love that the embroidered tuxedo line going down my jeans matches the mixed-print bell-sleeve blouse from Loft. Both are inspired by mosaics and folk style in my opinion, so these jeans and this blouse are a perfect match. Also, all the colors on the jeans design and on my blouse are Autumn hues: chocolate, wine, tangerine, caramel, blueberry, latte, black coffee (and yes I meant for these colors to be names of foods). Every single hue matches the stunning Fall colors and all the decorations, mums and pumpkins on my background as we had a great Mother+Daughter Date downtown the beautiful city of Milford on a Saturday, and we met my friend JENNIFER from Curated by Jennifer too. This is not the first time Jennifer and I have shot in Milford (it is close to both of us), probably our 4th or 5th time. As a matter of fact the first time Jen and I met was in Fall of 2020, last October (a year ago) and it was also in the city of Milford. This is also the 4th or 5th time Jen has met Vivian, but Jen also met a very special guest that day for the first time.

I had to take a picture of this beautiful Fall sign in front of one of the stores down-town Milford, Michigan. All of my photos (by myself and with Vivian) are taken by my friend Jennifer by the way. Speaking of photos, none of them are edited, because who has time for that?! They came out so nice because of the sun and all that natural light. It was a gorgeous warm weekend in early October. Our weather has definitely cooled down a lot since then but we had beautiful Summer-like weather up until last Friday (just days ago).


Shelbee's inspired by the boys look can pass for a cute and not-in-your face Halloween look. Love her OTK velvet boots and the brooch. The pops of blue are so pretty against the white.

Daenel and I are wearing sister tops today, as both of our blouses have fall colors and are inspired by folklore. We also kind of match with our light colored blue jeans. I love her black combat boots so much!

I would consider Suzy's outfit as a masculine Mary Poppins. She is too cute in it.

I always love pairing blue denim with white denim and shades of tan or camel Those boots Mirei, can I borrow them?!

I am going to have the Thursday Moda linkup attached to this post when it will go LIVE on Thursday Morning. Thursday Moda returns for you all, starting this week. There will also be a Thursday Moda post next week and my Sunday Showcase Linkup next Sunday - the first of November. Wishing you all a colorful Fall!

Image Map


  1. Welcome back to blogging. You have a very good reason for being gone so long. I thought you might have Gaven up on blogging.

  2. Glad to have you back! I love the stripe on the jeans and those are some fun loafers. What a beautiful fall day for pictures.

  3. I really do love the jeans and top together! This was a fun day! It was also a beautiful fall day as well!!

    Curated By Jennifer

  4. So glad to hear you've had a wonderful summer. Good to see you back! Enjoyed your pictures of fall decor and yours and Vivian's outfits.

  5. Welcome back, my friend! What lovely photos! I can't believe how tall Vivian has grown. And I always love to see you and Jennifer together! Your jeans are so cool with that funky patchwork racing stripe and your top pairs perfectly with them. What a fabulous Fall look!


  6. Welcome back ! How fun that you have another blogger nearby to get together with to have an occasional inspiration session. I love that. Looking forward to seeing you more again.

  7. I'm so glad you're back! I've missed you, but totally understood about taking a well-deserved break, my friend! And you look adorable in your Borrowed from the Boys look here. This is such a pretty time in Michigan. It looks like Vivien has grown in these last couple of months, too! They grow so darn fast, don't they? I'm glad all is well in your universe, Ada.

    xx Darlene

  8. welcome back I too jave been irregular but anxious to get back to normal


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