Sometimes... Someone...

Today I woke up inspired. Inspired to be super mom. Inspired to springify my bed a little bit, change the sheets and add some new Spring decorative pillows. Inspired to clean. Inspired to wash the dishes by hand. Inspired to talk on the phone. Inspired to listen to beautiful, soul music and love songs. And later on... inspired to write, so that I did. So I bring you the poem below. It's a little love poem. But it is more than just about love. It is about life and its struggles. It is about the broken hearts, the broken promises and the sadness and despair that a separation or a divorce can bring. It is about a woman, standing up again and being strong, so strong, and healing her heart and finding someone she can heal it with... Oh and this one totally rhymes! Hope you like it. HAPPY SUNDAY YOU ALL!!

[1.30 P.M. Eastern Time, May 17th 2020.]

Sometimes I hold myself by a string,
hanging on tight to a broken wing,
I have no voice to speak, to sing,
I watch in despair as the weather turns into Spring...

Hoping that Spring will burst in my heart,
I plant some roots on the inside,
let the green grow and the blooming start,
but I am scared to follow along as I fall apart...

But I promised my heart I will heal it,
I will water it like a plant, I will feed it,
I will not fall a victim, I will seal it,
I will let go as I start over, I will breed it!

...Because I know, I know I can,
yesterday I took an opportunity and I ran...
today I smiled like a little kid again,
tomorrow I will find the light that was missing while I was wan...

I am a human and once again I will smile,
I will find happiness and befriend it for a long while,
I will fall in love, I will find you even if I have to run for miles,
someone that will find me lovely and they will see my worth, my gile...

Someone strong and brave and open and kind,
someone who will love me with all of his heart,
someone who will see my true self naked on the inside
and break every wall that existed as our hearts bind!

I know you are there tying my strings tight,
fixing every thing that went wrong from the start,
turning Decembers into Mays and Junes bright,
kissing all my wounds with your own lips, with your own heart...

And every time I need you, you will hold my hand,
you will let go of my headaches and caress my head,
you will love me tenderly and protect my heart,
and you will make love to me and call me "my wife"!


  1. Oh gosh what a beautiful poem! You a very talented my friend!


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