Thursday Moda #209: Owning It in Black!

Life as we know it, has changed for most - I want to say ALL - of us. Zoom calls, Google Meets, extra trips to the grocery store, big grocery lists, stocking up on toilet paper, Lysol and hand sanitizers, ordering carryout, homeschooling, gardening, lounging in leggings and pajamas, cooking extra meals, organizing, cleaning like crazy, washing our hands many times a day, sanitizing, taking walks, exercising, wearing masks and gloves, venting,... have become normal things in our day to day lives. So has watching the news which is driving us crazy while it is filling our brains with extra information - some of which I rather not know. But these are the times of Corona Virus. We were invited to an all-night big party without wanting to be invited and since we are all invited there (to Corona) we better make the most of it!  We will be stuck there for a while, most likely all of this year (unfortunately). This is year 2020 and it came with a bang, all right!

Speaking of years and bangs, this is also the year I turn 40 (in 6 days to be exact) and I had so many plans for my 40th Birthday. Some of those plans included a short trip to Vegas - never been there before, as well as a long weekend in Chicago - one of my most favorite cities, where I would spend Cinco de Mayo also. But of course none of that is happening. My Las Vegas trip was cancelled first - it was supposed to be this month - it would have been with my best friend who actually turned 40 on Saint Patrick's day and of course we couldn't celebrate her birthday, either. So today I bring you a 'piece-y' all-black outfit I wore on a Spring day when our weather was 72 degrees. I say piece-y because I snapped these photos myself with my phone and didn't have anyone around to take a full head to toe outfit photo of me. And there are no filters - none whatsoever - on any of these photos. Good thing there was great sunlight. You get to see my pesky gray roots which I usually color myself and you get to see my wrinkles which the sweat made worse and it shows through my closeup selfies in my pictures (there are a few wrinkles on my forehead). 

You get to see me, as I am, about to turn 40! AND I AM OWNING IT! I am owning it (dressed) in black. Owning my age, my wrinkles, my grey hair, my imperfect life, my casual momiform (like the one I am wearing today), because let's face it I see a lot more skinny jeans and ripped denim in my future this year, just like I see tank tops and t-shirts. And you know what, turning 40 is not so bad even through the age of Corona Virus, and that's a lot for me to say because I got sad earlier today thinking for my birthday. I even discussed some of my failed plans with a couple of people. It didn't help that half of the day was grey and dark. Grey, rainy weather makes me extra sad and brings my overthinking work overtime. But I am over that mood now and I am dying to see my gorgeous, fancy birthday cake for example. Thank God for specialty bakeries that work out of home and offer pick-up options. Oh and my annual Blog Birthday Party will go on, even this year. Actually it will be bigger and better than ever!! So stay tuned for May 4th because next Monday will be very special on my blog and that's a promise!

Now join my weekly THURSDAY MODA Linkup.

Thursday Moda with Elegance and Mommyhood


  1. It definitely is a different world! happy birthday! I'm sorry you don't get to celebrate it like you planned. We've had 3 quarantine birthdays and we will have another next month. We are hoping though that by June we will be able to have a gathering for the next birthday - Australia is starting to lift some restrictions already so we will see!

    Thanks for the link up!

    Hope you are having a great week :)

    Away From Blue

  2. None of the photos are loading on my laptop, Ada, so I can’t comment on your outfit! But I can wish you the happiest of birthdays! Tomorrow we celebrate Archie’s 9th birthday quarantine style just like we did Ralph’s 7th birthday at the very beginning of this. Next is my husband’s birthday and then mine all before May comes to a close so I guess all of our birthdays in 2020 will be celebrated in isolation. I look forward to joining you for a virtual birthday party though on our blogs! I will send my photos to you soon! You are going to rock your 40’s, my friend!


  3. I can't seem to see the photos in your post. I'll check back later to see your outfit! Even though you won't be celebrating as planned, you will definitely have a birthday to remember!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  4. Can't see any of the photos unfortunately - I had the same problem the other day and had to re-upload them all. But good to see you back, and love the outfit in your post from the day before. Your birthday is fast approaching and hope it's a great one, even in today's circumstances!

  5. Happy Birthday to you, it spite of the circumstances! I hope you can take the fun trips you have planned at a later date! Stay safe and well.

  6. I cannot see any of your pictures, insert sad emoji here....

  7. Happy Early birthday! I hope it will be a sunny day on the actual day! Makes such a difference. The pics are still not loading up so I will check back tomorrow for the outfit!

  8. I can't see your photos either - I've tried on my laptop and phone. I hope you still have a fun birthday, and fingers crossed you can still do everything you'd planned to, just a little bit later. We've had two holidays cancelled already, but if we don't get away this year we'll just make up for it next year!

    Emma xxx

  9. I also can't see your photo's either. My life hasn't change to much. I just have become the main errand person in my house. Since my husband is high risk. He works from home now and take care of baby girl. While I'm at work.

  10. I enjoyed seeing your smile and the vibe of this post Ada, as you are turning 40.
    It's all upside down now but we will prevail. I hope you had a marvelous birthday and I say you celebrate next year in Vegas, you will be 40 again.


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