C'Est La Vie - a Poetry about Life, Death, Love, Survival, etc. Plus Linkup.

I have not written poetry in a while, this is the first one for this year 2020 actually. I actually wrote the first two stanzas on Friday night last week. Then on Sunday, another accident happened and this one killed 9 people, among whom an NBA legend and his very talented future basketball legend - his young 13-year old daughter. With the loss of Kobe Bryant, that saddened me a lot, I was inspired to continue writing this poetry which is about Life, Death, Love, Survival and a lot more. C'Est La Vie..." is a French expression and I myself use it a lot. For some reason it sounds so much better in French, its meaning more powerful! It means "This Is Life" and as  cliché as that sounds, this is life, filled with tragedies and triumphs, sadness and successes. 

This poetry will remind you of that. I SIMPLY LOVE IT AND THINK IT IS ONE OF MY BEST WORKS. With this one, I had a hard time of the placement of each stanza (especially with the last 3-5 stanzas, because there are a total of 11, so it's a pretty long poem). As a matter of fact I am thinking of doing another version of it soon. C'Est La Vie people, every day people die, babies are born, every day we face challenges and difficulties, pain and dolor, but every day we also smile from within, we laugh so hard that sometimes we pee our panties. Every day we have a reason to smile and love that ONLY ONE OPPORTUNITY that God gave us - LIFE. Life itself is THE REASON to live each day using your best spirits, making the best out even the worst situation, having the best intentions, using your best judgement, showing your best side, finding your best self and showing that to the world, being kind and loving, showing love and telling "I Love You" to the most important people in your life, it may be the last time they hear it...

[9.00 AM local time, Michigan USA, January 29th 2020.]

C'Est La Vie...
you go around with a smile on your face,
you start your day with a warm mug of coffee,
you have your failures and you fall from grace,
you cry inside, you cry within, you feel foggy...

C'Est La Vie,
you scoop up the sunshine that each day brings,
you dance when no one is watching,
you watch trash TV and feel good about it,
you spend your money without counting...

C'Est La Vie...
you mesmerize the world with the light of your eyes,
the same eyes that have cried hundreds of times,
you twirl your hair and you can be a flirt,
the same flirt who fell in love once or twice...

C'Est La Vie...
when your heart is broken and your ring finger is empty,
when your love stories only belong in novels,
when you try to find your knight in shining armor, where is he?!
When words of wisdom cannot console you or your dreams...

C'Est La Vie...
when you are broke and cannot pay your bills,
when the same telemarketers keep calling you,
when you are bumming around between jobs,
when you feel like your home no longer welcomes you...

C'Est La Vie...
when the same tunes keep playing on your Spotify
and they keep bringing memories, some good and some bad,
when the movies have happy endings yet you cry,
when you are broken, fatigued, decaffeinated and just plain sad...

C'Est La Vie...
when you stop to smell every flower on a beautiful Spring field,
when life throws you lemons and you make a strong vodka lemonade,
when you put your arm around to comfort a friend,
when you need to be comforted and taken care of, yourself!

C'Est La Vie...
you cried real tears last night, something sad was announced on TV,
you cried real tears when you fell in love,
you cried real tears when he broke your heart, when he broke you,
you cried real tears when you stood up so strong!

C'Est La Vie...
my little French beret-wearing, red wine drinker,
the ones who lied and manipulated you will be gone from your life,
the ones who are not fighting this life anymore
will keep looking after you with halos and angel wings...

C'Est La Vie...
you are unstoppable, unbreakable, full of spirit and depth,
many lives have been lost while you are still living yours,
you continue running in circles and sometimes it makes no sense,
you are brave my friend, just believe in your strength!

C'Est La Vie...
because besides life itself nothing else is worth crying tears for,
you will love again one day, you will fight more battles, an entire war...
you will become the amazing, incredible person you dreamed of,
you will find your high again, you will be fine, trust me!


  1. Lovely poem, thanks for sharing! thanks for the link up too!

  2. Another beautiful piece of writing, my friend. This is life, for sure. All filled with so many things that pull our hearts and emotions in a million different directions. The only choice we have is to embrace it all and survive!


  3. Beautiful!

  4. You are so talented when it come to writing poems.



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