Light Pink, Soft Yellow and Black for an Office Look.

Hello you all. It's me. Just hiding among the huge piles of snow and extremely frigid weather we have been having daily. As you can tell by the mantle, these outfit photos are from the Fall, so about 3 months ago. But I re-wore this identical outfit with different (closed-toed) booties and plain black tights, just this Tuesday. It is such a polished and pretty Office Look that I plan on re-wearing it minus the tights, for Spring. I love how all the black from the waist down looked with all the soft pastel colors from the waist up. 

I am so happy I didn't miss out on this pretty Faux Leather Wrap Pencil Skirt from Loft. Ditto on the Gorgeous Light Pink Silky Blouse with the smocked neckline and smocked sleeves. I love Loft so much and some of their pieces in the last few years have been must haves for me. While both of these items are on trend and very current, they are both classy and modern enough to wear any time or for years to come. The skirt for example is so flattering and I love that the length is right above the knee. Perfect for the office, cocktails, a date with your significant other or Valentine's day. As a matter of fact with the little splash of pink on top, this outfit is a great option for V-Day. Subtle but festive and pretty! I matched the light pink/millennial pink of the blouse with the same-colored bracelets and even wore a pretty pinkish-coral lipstick. I also love how this Light Pink Blouse worked with the Soft Yellow Collarless Blazer (by Sears). My Tights are in a small Diamond-Print. They were from The Limited and this was the 3rd Winter Season I wore them before I parted with them just a couple of days ago, when I was cleaning out stuff. They didn't have a run or a breakage or anything but the elastic band had gotten very loose so I let them go. I remember The Limited always made great tights though. I can always count on Loft, Target, Hue and Express for tights, now. My shoes are these fun sort of Open-Toed Patent Leather Booties with 3 wide straps (by Aldo Shoes). I have had them for over a decade. They have a trendy cone heel that is about 3 inches. They are so cute and so comfortable and I am so glad I still have them. I love how this Office Look turned out, what about you?! How else would you style this Soft Yellow Blazer or how would you wear a Black Leather Skirt?!


  1. Hope you are staying warm.

  2. I love the blazer and leather skirt! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I love the combination of the soft pink and yellow together on top with the black leather skirt. Thanks for inviting me to join your link up! I've only just had the internet restored after a week without it, so I would love to join your link up this week! ;) XXX

  4. Ada, I love the soft pastels contrasting with the all black bottom. So great! Stay warm, my friend. We are cold and buried in snow here as well making getting dressed stylishly quite difficult!


  5. Pretty combination Ada. I would wear it with a white shirt.

  6. Such a cute pastel outfit! That yellow blazer looks lovely on you, you wear it well :)

    Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp :) Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From The Blue Blog


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