She Calls the Shots - Poetry.
As women, even more so now in the millennium years, we have dealt with all kinds of things - some of them 'challenges' - every day. Nowadays more than ever, we keep saying or hear people and especially women say things like: "I am so busy. I have been running a marathon today. Time doesn't seem to slow down." As women we carry a lot on our shoulders on a daily basis. Especially married women who have children and also go to work full-time. More so if they are bloggers too. They are "expected" to be loving mothers, devoted wives, sexy lovers, best friends, good sisters, darling daughters, great buddies, good companions, successful businesswomen, politicians, cooks, chefs, baristas, bartenders, cleaning ladies, maids, babysitters, bug-killers, nurses, story-tellers, dancers, runners, readers, computer users, educators, good listeners, wine connoisseurs, bloggers, social media specialists, photographers, shoppers, marketing specialists, managers, entrepreneurs, stylistas, mom bosses - you name it! It is the truth. As women we wear many hats all day, every day. But we also call the shots many times. After all this is year 2018 and women are considered equal to men. As a matter of fact, if we look at the local candidates we are voting for this upcoming November, here in the Mitten State (Michigan) a huge majority of the candidates running for senate, congress or government are all WOMEN! So yes, women rock! This little poetry I just wrote tonight is for all those women. For you, for me, for all the mamas, for all the full-time workers or the part-time ones, for those doing it all in jeans or pajamas or in suits and dresses. Because women... women call the shots! I truly hope you like it. It is simple but there is a lot of truth and positivism to it!
She Calls the Shots!
[8.50 P.M. October 26th 2018.]
She calls the shots!
Sometimes she likes it cold,
sometimes she likes it hot!
Sometimes she makes calls,
sometimes she reports on duty,
sometimes she oversees an entire staff!
She calls the shots!
She is successful and beautiful like her red lipstick,
smells of perfume and pancakes!
She is a career woman
who wears the pants,
a leggy, sexy vixen who rocks a mini skirt!
She is a mother and a nurturer
who changes diapers and blows noses,
does laundry, cooks, cleans and sips her wine!
She calls the shots!
She is that sassy firecracker
that never has anything boring to say!
She is that fierce, powerful force
who doesn't sugarcoat things
and isn't afraid to speak her mind!
She calls the shots!
She is brave like a mountain
and strong like the wind!
She wears a lot of hats
and sometimes all of them at once,
she is the boss of her life
she struggles at times but fears no one!

Love, love this poem.
Aww I love the poem and the message you are sharing in this post! I love that you are embracing every women no matter where they are in life!