Insanely in Love... We Lost! - Poetry.

I am really feeling the writing bug this month. August was a month where I wrote a few poems and this is the last one of the month, so I am sharing it with you today. It has a lot of reality, truth and raw emotion in it. I am 100% sure several people can find themselves in this poetry. Some may find it sad and hopeless. Some may find it bittersweet and hopeful. Truth is, at the end of the day, no matter how many losses a human being has in their lives, they survive! They may lose in love and separate or get divorced, or even worse they may loose a loved one forever and death is the worst loss of them all! But we are meant to continue, just like an apostrophe we continue through the thousands of sentences that life has for us. Every day we live our life sentence through triumphs and tragedies, gains and losses!

Insanely in Love.... We Lost!
[Late Summer 2018]

Insanely in love with the idea of what was,
an old love so sublime, a feeling of free butterflies,
beautiful birds running free on a sky so blue,
and even the darkest cloud seemed white like cotton candy,
we surpassed it all, every thunderstorm, beyond the rainbow!

Insanely in love with you, what we were together,
what I was to you and what you were to me,
a pair of little fluffy bunnies like 15 year-olds in love,
everything tasted sweet and sugary,
nothing was tart, difficult or impossible to overcome!

Insanely in love we were,
mountains, bridges, thousands of miles among you and I,
oceans, seas and infinite blue water between us,
two continents away and yet none of that really kept us apart,
freezing snow in Michigan and a semi-warm sun in Albania,
we knew how to survive it all and become one!

Spring or Fall, Summer or Winter,
whatever season there I was,
a plane ticket away from you, far away but not really,
my heart beating for you, close to you even from afar,
my body tingling for you when we slept next to each-other,
my lips tasting your kisses, like bees to honey!

...But a decade or so later something broke, something faded,
a bond we believed couldn't be broken or shattered,
a connection we thought was stronger than the light of the stars,
a love so deep it could be unspoken,
something happened to us and sadness filled both hearts...

Insanely in love we were no longer,
we grew out of love and anger filled your soul,
my soul tried to console the pieces of my broken heart,
as you stepped on it harder than ever before
and said words that hurt more than any migraine I ever had...

Insanely in love no more, no baby, no sweetheart,
and sometimes it seems so difficult to comprehend
how two spouses who once shared everything 
could turn from best friends to bitter enemies,
from happy butterflies who once were so crazy in love
to insane people who believe no more...

Insanely we live in separate cities,
we walk and drive on separate streets every day,
just like our lives who took separate paths,
just like our two separated souls that may one day forgive but will not forget,
just like we loved insanely, insane how we lost!


  1. Ada, beautiful heartfelt and heart-breaking words. Loss of any kind is so hard but loss leads to change and change can bring us to the most amazing places. We fall in and out of love many times throughout our loves, but as long as we continue to love ourselves unconditionally through it all, we will survive and be happy. I admire your strength in keeping it real and raw. Great post.


  2. You really know how to pour out your heart with your poems, Ada! It did hit home for me, and it feels so sad. I hope life is looking up for you. Sending hugs and love...

  3. Just beautiful! You have a lovely talent. Thanks so much for hosting these wonderful link-ups!


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