This and That: Happy Birthday to My Mama!

Happy Saturday you all! It is the day after Friday the 13th. So how was your Friday?! I am not really superstitious but I must say my Friday the 13th was spent partially laying in couch fighting a headache and toothache. I took enough Ibuprofen to make me feel a little bit like myself lol. I feel much better this morning and even got 7 hours of sleep. I can do without the frozen rain that we are about to get today though and (MORE) snow showers by Monday! We had like two days of decent warm Spring temperatures this week - and really all month of April - this Thursday the 12th and yesterday. I am so ready for the longest, harshest, coldest 7-month and counting Winter to end! Seriously! For those of you who live in similar climates like myself, I bet you feel the same lol. And all week next week is supposed to be chilly and rainy. Come on Spring, have you decided not to show your face this year?!

But despite the crappy and cold weather we are supposed to have today, I am determined to have a great Saturday. I have a nice day planned, some work-related and mostly not. I also plan on wearing a cute outfit, because a great outfit always makes me feel great and besides putting me in a great mood, it motivates me for the day ahead. Better yet, since I started the day getting my roots colored. I am even trying a new primer+foundation (by Clinique who has awesome products). Yeay me! Oh, and it is my mom's birthday too! 

My beautiful mom is a year older today and I always look forward to this day every April 14th to remind myself how lucky I am to have her as a mom. I can talk to her about almost anything and everything. In some ways we are very similar - our voices on the phone almost sound identical too - and in other ways we are very different. Sometimes we fight and we butt heads. But every day I thank my lucky stars for having her as my mom. Since I have been a mom myself for 5 years now, I know how important moms are. I mean to Vivian I am everything: her mommy, her best friend, her girlfriend, her super-hero, her Santa and Easter bunny, you name it. And speaking of Vivian, she is so excited about 'Nena's birthday ("nena" means grandma in Albanian). She asked about decorations and cakes and candles lol. Vivian was so worried about grandma having decorations and a cake to blow her candles with, in order to celebrate her birthday lol. With that said, we have some Red Velvet Cake Cupcakes we will be sharing for my mom's birthday. I might even take a few pics.

I want to take the opportunity one more time to wish my Super Hero of a mom - who is the most amazing cook, the best and cleanest housekeeper, the funniest person, the most realistic human and the "say-it-like-it-is" individual I know - A Very Very Happy Birthday! I wish her many years ahead and I wish for her to grow old and healthy till she is a great-grandma one day! Thank you for giving me birth and thank you for everything you do, Mom!!



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