The Blended Blog Asks: April, Spring.
Happy April guys! Hope you had a fantastic Easter. I am doing the roundup questions from "The Blended Blog" this month so read on below to see my thoughts on Spring and what I am up to this Spring. =)
1. What 3 colors remind you most of Spring?
White. Pink (especially light pink or millennial pink, which I have been wearing a lot lately). Mint. (In that order.)
2. What is the first thing you add to your wardrobe in Spring?
A Trench Coat and/or a Denim Jacket.
3. What is the first wardrobe item you ditch in Spring?
Long boots like knee-length boots and over-the-knee boots.
4. Who mows the grass where you live?
My father.
5. What's Spring like where you live?
Well, currently this year is pretty cold. In general some flowers have bloomed by now. It is quite green and flower-y come May though.
6. What's your favorite thing about Spring?
Well May is my birthday month so there is that.
7. Are you a Spring cleaner?
Yes, very much so.
8. Are you a baseball fan?
Somewhat. I have been to a few games and I also like the attire/game spirit attached to the game of baseball.
9. Tulips or daffodils?
Both are gorgeous flowers but I just love tulips.
10. Favorite outdoor Spring activity?
Picnics. And drinking my coffee in my front porch.
11. Flowers in the ground or in the pots?
Both, but I prefer them in the ground.
12. Favorite bird?
Parrots. They are gorgeous and plus they can talk and imitate you.
13. Car wash or wash vehicles at home?
About 50/50. A combination of both.
14. When do you pull out your sandals?!
If the weather is 55 degrees or higher, I wear them.
Love learning more about you. I used to mow the grass until last year.
I love that you pull out your sandals at 55 degrees or higher and if it's 55 degrees here you can bet I'm in boots! That's what's fun about this link up and reading everyone's answers!
Yep, anything over 55 and I'm wearing my sandals too. This year I'm so anxious for them I might even pull them out for weather over 50. :)