Thursday Moda #103: Thoughts on Personal Style.
Are you one of those people who thinks long and hard about what to wear at any given day?! Well, if you are a style blogger, the answer is most likely YES. See, with me personally - even though I have been running a fashion+style blog for 6 years now - I am not always one of those people. Yes, sometimes I think long and hard about a certain outfit whether it is something I need to just go out of the door on my mom days or something for a style challenge, a blog collaboration or an event I am going to. I also think more about my work outfits. I like to feel and look a little bit nicer and more curated at work, while being professional. It is the right thing to do. And of course if I am going to a shower or a wedding, I do think carefully about what to wear and how to accessorize. But there are days when I literally just throw on some clothes. Those days it is mind over matter type of thing. And yes, some of those outfits turn out great, some are just fine, some look better on than in pictures, some photograph well yet don't look so good in real life, some are not so good and some are God-awful. I have even posted several God-Awful outfits on the blog especially in the first 3 years (half of the time) I have been blogging. Some I knew were awful and shouldn't have even posted them. Some I looked upon on other times and said to myself "O my God that is a bad look!" And some I have blogged on purpose even-though I knew they were quite bad, because I am a human and just like we all have bad days or days when we feel like shit, we also have bad outfit days and it is OK to post those too (not all of them, but at least some). Life isn't everything you see on pretty selfies and curated Instagram photos. It is OK to show the world our bad or not-so glamorous side. Let's face it, we cannot always look beautiful, feel pretty or look like a million bucks! Plus, when we post an outfit that isn't so pretty, heck even an ugly outfit, we can definitely learn from our fashion mistakes and a fashion faux pas we might have made. Am I right?
Fashion is something that is sold in stores and boutiques. Fashion is in magazines, on Pinterest, on Instagram. It comes from different retailers, brands and designers. While style is something entirely different. Style is what you make of fashion. Style is personal. It is not one size fits all. Style is exactly how you feel that day because you chose that particular outfit to show the world how you felt. See the thing is you can rock something that is 20 years old, 10 years old, 5 years old, a month old or something you literally bought today. You can rock past trends and current ones. You just have to know how. And I think it all comes with experience and experiments. And I have never been shy to experiment with style. What is the worst that could happen, besides a God-awful outfit lol? Some trends are totally not for me, some fashions I have entirely failed. But there are outfits where I have knocked it out of the park, like in red dress collaboration post. And yet there were 2 people who hated that look, which is fine. But see, that red dress outfit is the one outfit I have felt the best in throughout 2018 so far. And even-though I had a great day the day I wore that outfit, I think the look had a lot to do with how I felt...
Lately, on my Insta Stories on my Instagram, I have been posting my outfits of the day, what I wear during that day. I have done it for months, but even more so the last couple of weeks. I don't have time to do it every day but when I do I snap a couple of pics and I even do a little video rundown of my outfit. In the recent weeks, I have done little polls for my readers and asked them whether they like that particular outfit?! Usually the answer is YES but there are also some NOs - I am being honest. I have also noticed the same couple of women who almost always say NO on the polls I do. Which is fine, they are entitled to their opinions, but I know for a fact that not every outfit I have put together in the last couple of weeks has been awful or bad. Actually, I am proud of the outfits I have put together recently, like the one today for example. This outfit was literally thrown together in 2 minutes flat. I really wanted to wear this Fun Boxy Caramel Velvet Blouse (I scored on huge sale at Loft) and besides the fact that I knew I would wear a jacket with it, I had no idea which jacket and what bottoms. My closet is over-flowing with clothes but I quickly found this Black Floral Bomber and the fact that it has some caramel flowers made me happy because it was a beautiful match with the velvet top. Then, I literally grabbed these Black Stirrup Leggings for a little edge and fun into my look. I put them on together (last Friday for work) and all three pieces worked their magic and created this fun+different look I was so happy with and it got several thumbs up in real life, too. I thought about wearing my Black Pumps with the Tortoise Heels but once I opened the shoe closet, these Gold Snakeskin Pumps with the Red Soles spoke to me and I felt that all the caramel and gold shades with the black were perfect... what do you think?! Yeay or Nay on this outfit?! Pretend you are filling out one of my Insta Story polls?!
Similar, Bell-Sleeve Gold Velvet Top // Similar Black Floral Bomber Jacket, Huge Steal // Very Similar, Dressy, Seamed, Black Stirrup Leggings // Similar Stud Earrings, set of 3 (my Bronze little Studs are also from Loft, they came in a 7-pack) // Very Similar Gold Snakeskin Pumps
... And speaking of the Instagram polls about my OOTDs and the two ladies who continuously 'dislike' my outfits, I ain't mad or discouraged. Because see, style is an emotion. Everyone sees style differently. One's look might not be their cup of tea. I dislike plenty of outfits other people wear, on a daily basis, too. My point is, wear whatever the fuck you want whenever you want to (sorry for swearing but I am trying to emphasize my point and yes I swear sometimes)! Who cares if someone else will like it?! And who cares if it may not be your best outfit?! It is just for one day or for a few hours even?! You will wake up the next day and do one better! Most of us have a few outfits we feel of as our 'uniforms' and it is OK to wear those often. But at the same time, bring out all the other sides of your personality. You want to be a vixen one day and ladylike or demure the next?! Do it! You want to be posh and elegant one day but totally rocker-chic another day?! Do it! You want to be all pink and girly with pom poms, tassels and whatnot one day, but keep it simple and classic by wearing all black the next day?! Do it! You want to feel like a wallflower one day and like the center of attention the next?! Do it! No matter what you wear, wear it with a smile! And, always remember to carry your confidence with you. People will make comments, some are compliments, some are in between and some are plain rude. You do you and this doesn't just pertain to clothing. You do you when it comes to how you drink your coffee, what you eat, how you parent your children, how you teach your children, how you wash your clothes, how you fold your laundry, how you spend your Saturday nights... well you get my gist.
Similar, Bell-Sleeve Gold Velvet Top // Similar Black Floral Bomber Jacket, Huge Steal // Very Similar, Dressy, Seamed, Black Stirrup Leggings // Similar Stud Earrings, set of 3 (my Bronze little Studs are also from Loft, they came in a 7-pack) // Very Similar Gold Snakeskin Pumps

I think your outfit is very pretty! Who doesn't love gold?! There will always be mean people out there, we just have to try to out number the with the good! Happy Thursday!
I total agree with you. I always say wear what makes you happy. I was just talking to my husband about this not to long ago. Plus I feel like you need to know how to dress your body type.
ReplyDeleteI try to hit yes or no on your polls on your IG store but some time I'm to late. I really like this outfit. You did an awesome job with it. I'm sure there a lot of outfits I put together that people hate. Which I'm currently try to figure out how to dress again. After having a baby 4 month ago. Plus for my new life style as being a stay at home mom.
Style is personal and definitely not a one size fits all. What you like and what I like may not be the same but that's perfectly okay because it defines who we are. We are all made differently and embracing those differences are what matters about style and not so much with clothes. I also don't plan out my outfits on a daily basis. Love how you paired gold and black together. Sometimes I forget how beautiful the gold color really is. Your gold shoes are also very beautiful. Love the red soles as it adds another element to your ensemble.
ReplyDeleteMaureen |
That velvet tee is so pretty. I love the color. It looks great with the bomber jacket. I wonder why those women are even following you on Instagram if they don't like your style. How odd.
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love, your velvet top! The rich gold color is just divine. I think it's fun that stirrup pants are making a comeback too.
You are right about the differences between fashion and style. I say this outfit is a yes, I love the way the colors work together and your stirrup pants remind me of a pair I had my senior year in high school (1986 btw). I loved them and I think these look great on you. Makes me wish I had kept mine from all those years ago!
ReplyDeleteI am stumped that anyone would not have liked your red dress the other day! I love your approach to it and yes, everyone has an opinion. As long as they are nice about it I'm ok with it but I have a problem when people are just mean and hateful. Life is too short to be anything but kind to one another, you just never know what the other person is dealing with!
Hi Ada, you know I love velvet and this gold is so warm and pretty ! Love the gold shoes too. Your bomber jacket is lovely and makes me think Spring!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
jess xx
Love that bomber jacket! Also, something you should know about the polls. There are sometimes you post the poll too close to the edge or the message entry at the bottom, as a result you can only click one answer or the other, and the other (because it is on the side of the screen) will take you back or forward a story (or open the messenger). There are a few times I've clicked the answer I didn't want on people's polls because I was trying to click the answer I wanted but not the next/back. It's a mistake hundreds of people make, and sometimes bloggers think that the answers are strange, but it's because they placed the poll wrong!
ReplyDeleteBut yes, we need to experiment and have our oops days! And sometimes our personal style isn't everyone's cup of tea, and that's okay!
Pretty color on you. Love the bomber jacket!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful colors Ada! And what a fantastic jacket!
ReplyDeleteI agree—everyone should wear what they love, and what makes them feel good. I think the problem is that people don't always know what they love, or are afraid to, and they project those feelings onto others, and that's dumb. "Good for her; not for me" is how I approach that! But I say vive la difference—individual style is what makes us unique!
ReplyDeleteCheryl Shops |
I really like the velvet mustard top. The color is really pretty and I'm a sucker for anything velvet!
Ada, I love the outfit and I really, really love the message! Being true and authentic to yourself every single day of your life is so important but even more important is understanding that your true and authentic self can look totally different on any given day! I love the gold velvet. The shoe choice is spot on and the floral bomber is perfection! I have one suggestion...just out of curiosity and because it is one of my favorite styling tricks...what would this look like if you did the little half tuck of the shirt in the front...just to give it a tiny bit of shape? It may not work on you at all, but it may be totally fabulous! Try it! If it doesn't work, the outfit is super awesome this way! Love you, my friend!
YES to being honest and open about clothes or life in general. I agree that it's good to post the outfit "fails" from time to time. I agree that we can encourage each other in truth and love. Even that's hard sometimes because in so much of fashion it boils down to opinion, except when it come to flattering cuts and styles to our body shapes. I am continually learning and the more I learn it seems like the less I know. haha! You outfit is so pretty. I love the bomber. And the velvet is such a pretty texture for the overall look. Those shoes - fab!
ReplyDeleteHey, that was me! I said no to one of your outfits because I honestly didn’t like it. But that’s me going on what I like. I think if you ask those questions then you need to be okay with people being honest. This outfit today, I like. Good colour combo.
ReplyDeleteI love this look Ada--that velvet top is so fun and it's great with the bomber jacket. I totally agree that every outfit will never be perfect--there are plenty that I've posted that I look back and think eek, what was I thinking? Ha!
ReplyDeleteWell said Ada! Wear whatever you want, if you feel good in it that's all that matters. I love this outfit, the mustard top and floral bomber jacket look fab together!
ReplyDeleteEmma xxx
That bomber is amazing! I love the florals and it is so perfect paired with the velvet!
ReplyDelete<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Beautiful bomber. I too sometimes see that I have worn something dreadful and then just realise that I its just clothes.
ReplyDeleteI love your top, and that jacket is so chic!
ReplyDeleteWhitney 'Nic" James |
Pretty outfit, pretty you!