Vivian Turns Five!!

Today is my Daughter's Birthday! Everyone that knows me well, knows that Vivian is the biggest part of my life. She was the missing puzzle that God gifted me with 5 years ago on January 19th. She completes me and my world. She is my biggest love, pride and joy!
Vivian, I love looking back at each month from the first 12 months of your life and now you turn 5 years old. The past 60 months have been THE BEST of my life and there are thousands+thousands more to come!! I love you to the moon and back, my little doll!!

And here is a look-back at Vivian and how she has changed each year...

Vivian Turns One!

 Vivian Turns Two!

Vivian Turns 3!

Vivian Turns Four!

Vivian Turns 5!!!
(One of the first photos we took of her this morning as a 5-year old.)

There are a million words I can say today, on your very special 5th birthday. I cannot even measure the pride you give me or the love I have for you. From the moment I heard your very first heartbeat and first cry, I was immersed in the motherly love you brought from the depth of my heart. Since that very moment before the sunrise on January 19th 2013, you have been the biggest blessing and most wonderful gift in my life. Vivian, you are the air I breathe. You are the moon to my sun. You are the heart that beats inside my soul. You are the sublime love that keeps on giving every day. You brighten every day and night and the unconditional love you have for your mama comes through every word you say, every picture you draw, every hug and kiss you give me, every time you tell me I am beautiful. The day you came into this world God truly blessed my life. I don't know how I had lived without you. Vivian, my ray of sunshine, I wish you 105 more years of joy, health, beauty and blessings in this world!! Crash through every obstacle just like you crashed the cupcakes when you turned 1! Walk with your head held high and continue to smile at the world and when someone is mean to you, kill them with your kindness! Go get it girl - you can do anything! Happy 5th Birthday, The Love of My Life!! I love you infinity times infinity.  💋 Mom.

You all know I love taking pictures with my daughter. Our Mommy+Daughter photo-shoots are my favorites, especially when we match (like the outfits above). These photo collages beautifully describe our Mother+Daughter Relationship. We love each other #tothemoonandback and we shower one-another with #hugs and #kisses each day! This is how much we love each other. Infinity times Infinity!!

Happy birthday my five-year old little girl! Happy Birthday to my little beauty and future bright star!!

Before I close off this special post today I want to show you two photos of Vivian (never posted anywhere before), from our Summer vacation last August (2017). These two Summery Photos totally describe my Vivian. She is such a girly girl who loves dresses and accessories. Pretty shoes, purses, jewels, bows, hair clips, headbands, necklaces, bracelets, sunglasses - she loves them all. She loves to sing and to dance. She loves to paint and draw and is very good at arts+crafts. She is a little chatterbox who makes everyone laugh when they least expect it. Vivian is a happy, bright, social butterfly, very friendly and a very sweet little girl. Nothing is a challenge to her. She makes everyone happy just by smiling at her. She loves her friends and family especially her uncle Ilir and her grandparents. She is the best daughter to her parents and loves her parents very much. She gives the best hugs and kisses. Vivian spreads some joy, sparkle and love with her positive and joyful attitude, everywhere she goes. Vivian is a princess! She is my princess and I am the luckiest mama ever!


  1. Happy birthday to your beautiful Vivian! She is most certainly a bright shining star! God bless!

  2. Happy 5th birthday Vivian! Wishing you an amazing day and a spectacular year! Time does fly by when you are having fun and it's a wonderful experience to have such a fantastic bond with your kiddo. Today is your day too Ada for all the hard work and sacrifices to get to today. Give yourself a pat on the back and I hope you both have a fabulous day plus weekend!

    Maureen |

  3. Happy Birthday Vivian! I so can't wait to do mommy and daughter matching outfits.

  4. Happy birthday, sweet Vivian! She's just darling. Wishing you the most spectacular birthday!

  5. Awwww I cannot believe she has grown so much ! It seems like it was yesterday she was born.

  6. What an awesome little girl. So happy that she completes your life. Happy birthday!

  7. Aww happiest of birthdays to your little Vivian Ada! My little girl is a feminine princess too! So fun!

  8. Own Happy Birthday to Vivian!!! Such a princess!!

    ~ xo Sheree
    Posh Classy Mom

  9. Such a sweet little girl! I hope she had a wonderful birthday. Thanks for linking up Ada!

    Emma xxx

  10. This is such a sweet post, Ada! She really is a beautiful girl.


  11. Thank you everyone so much for wishing Vivian a Happy 5th Birthday. When she fully learns how to read, she will definitely read these lovely comments. Thanks again.

  12. awww. Happy 5th Birthday to your sweetie! I love to see all of the little pictures of her growing up. She is going to be a little fashionista! Beautiful girl.
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx


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