Poetry about the Recent Events in Las Vegas.
It is so difficult to fathom what happened 24 hours ago. I cannot even believe it. My heart is filled with pain, disbelief and sadness. It was horrific, senseless and beyond tragic.It is such a hard time (for me at least) to focus on fashion or outfits of the day. So instead of my regular-scheduled post, today I bring you a poem I just wrote that will try to describe some of my feelings during this difficult time. I hope you like this 'different side' of me.
Some white petals fell on broken glass
like scared little doves flying on a cloudy sky,
so many human hearts died at that time,
when life and death battled among a sea of anger...
Insanity took over logic,
hate overshadowed love - the best joy of all,
madness shut the door to understanding
and evil stroked yet once again...
It was an evening like every other evening,
someone was falling asleep watching TV,
a child was being nursed in the loving arms of their mom
and somewhere a concert took place in a city full of lights...
But light was the furthest thing they saw
when gunshots opened fire into the beautiful night,
even the stars couldn't brighten up the darkness
that covered so many hearts,
they and us were all shattered inside without a glimpse of hope...
Monday came and a new week began
but we were all broken, sad and mad at the world,
who could make sense of the evil that unraveled
like a poisonous snake that bit every last piece of happiness?!
Today we mourn for a yesterday we want to forget,
we hug our kids and tell ourselves it will be OK,
but deep down we know this world is no longer safe,
we cry tears of sadness and try to forget...
But those lost souls will never be forgotten,
the sin city will never be the same,
a new sunrise will capture the blue sky - it is true
but how long will it last and keep us warm
and will it heal us?!

Beautiful Ada!