Currently July: (Wearing) a Pretty Maxi Dress.

Before I do the run-down for the Currently July Post (linking up with Anne), I want to mention that I am currently wearing this Pretty Floral Maxi Dress from today's post too. I added little drop earrings that match all the colors of the dress and a few colorful bracelets plus my green sandals (that I am currently in love with) and I was done. I found similar maxi dresses to mine that I love (links below). With that said, I hope you had a great 4th of July!

craving: Ice cream, watermelon, any kind of melon actually such as sweet honeydew, lemonades, a cold glass of sangria, iced teas and berries of any kind. I know this wasn't necessary food-related but yeah I am craving all the typical Summer foods I love so much.

grilling: Ohh, I wish we had a grill here at our apartment in Tirana. A month from today I am back home in Michigan and can't wait to use the grill. Chicken breasts, steaks, hamburgers, hot-dogs and even vegetables and corn on the cobb are on my "to grill list".

listening: To Ed Sheeran and Indila. They are both two great artists. Indila is French. I like to think of her as the French version of Adele. She has a beautiful voice and sings fantastic love ballads. You don't have to speak/know French to appeciate her music (I don't know any French). Love Story is the song of hers I am mostly obsessed with. And Vivian loves Indila's songs too. She always says "again" in Albanian after they are over. 

planning: To leave Europe and definitely planning to pack and boy do I have a lot of packing to do. We are about 4 weeks away from a very long flight over 5000 miles away. I am trying to be smart about it and I am putting my notebook to use writing down what I need with me on the luggage, what to carry on the carry-on and what to carry on my purse. Also, planning what outfit to wear for myself and what outfit to put Vivian in. Of course I will bring a couple of clothes' changes for her and a light blanket. With that said, are any of you interested to Guest post for me between July 25th and August 20th? I plan on running Guest Posts sporadically.

decorating: Nothing at the moment but I am going to try to leave things very organized, well-kept and clean here at the apartment till my husband follows us later this year. I definitely plan on decorating our room once I am all unpacked and I am in Michigan, though. 

Dainty Gold-tone Earrings w/ Cubic Crystal, 4-Colored Stones: Fred's Jewelry (similar by Givenchy, fantastic deal, love these), (gorgeous option by Swarovski, great deal), (similar by Bebe, best deal, love these).
Bright, Kelly Green Strappy Sandals: Simple Shoes (New) (similar, trendy option), (similar, love this), (dressy stiletto option by Guess, love this).

P.S. I am also linking up with Angela, Carylee + Gina, Carly, Casey+all for Create 28 Lovely Summer Looks, Cherie, Jen, Jess, 
And for the second week in a row, I am joining Ana Luiza and Michelle for their new Monday Link-up which is themed and today it is all about Sandals. This green pair is my current favorite, as I mentioned.


  1. That maxi looks amazing on you! Can't wait to see what you pack for your trip! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Such a fun and pretty dress! Hope you had a great weekend!

    Clothes & Quotes

  3. Such a fun patterned dress!

  4. I absolutely love maxi dress. Love those colors! So vibrant and fun.

  5. Such a great maxi dress! love the print and colors. I've also been craving ice cream and watermelon!

  6. Love your maxi dress. Have fun packing for your trip to MI.

  7. Such a pretty maxi dress, Ada. I love the halter style. You look so pretty in this dress!
    We Shop in Heels

  8. Love this dress. The colors and the fact that it's a maxi is perfect!

  9. Such a gorgeous maxi dress! I crave ice cream all the time. :)

  10. That is a very cute maxi! I love the prints and color! That style flattering you very much!
    Take care and keep in touch!


  11. Wow - you look gorgeous! Loving the vibrant colors and print of this beautiful maxi dress! Best of luck planning your trip - looking forward to seeing what you pack. I have never done a guest post before, but if you are still looking to fill spots, I would be happy to help you out. :)

  12. This is the perfect summer maxi dress, and perfect for the 4th. Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family!! -xx


  13. This is such a beautiful maxi dress, and it looks stunning on you. Good luck with your move!

  14. I love the print and halter style of your maxi dress! You look amazing! I've never guest posted before but can help you out!

    Doused In Pink

  15. The dress is gorgeous! So bright and colorful and so sexy. As always I love your choice of jewelry for this look.

  16. You know how I feel about maxis and I love this one!! The print is so pretty!!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  17. Such a great print, Ada! Maxis are so, so good for summer!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  18. That is such a fun maxi dress! And you seem to really enjoy wearing it!

  19. Wow - this maxi dress has such a stunning pattern!

    xo, Michelle Paige

  20. I love the bright pattern of this dress and the neckline is beautiful!

  21. Love all of the colors in this dress Ada, and of course your cute poses!!

    Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
    jess xx

  22. You do have a big move! Now, do you just have two homes or are you moving to Michigan for good? This dress is so pretty on you, you have the perfect figure for it! Bright colors are perfect for the summer!


  23. The print on this dress is amazing, Ada! What a gorgeous design. I seriously need to try a maxi dress for summer!


  24. i love the bright colors and this maxi is perfect for summer!

    cute & little

  25. Great summer dress, Ada!

    Alena &

  26. what a beautiful maxi dress!!! GORGEOUS!

  27. Love a colorful maxi! Thanks for linking up with us on Start the Week Stylish
    - Ana Luiza
    The Northwest Blonde

  28. What a lovely dress Ada you look lovely! I wish you luck with figuring our the moving essentials. How awesome to know you will be back in the states.
    Rachel xo

  29. This dress looks fabulous on you Ada! The colors and print really compliment your skin tone! :)

  30. I love this maxi on you! You wear prints so well!


  31. What a fun, bright maxi dress for summer! And I'm going to have to check-out that French artist you mentioned!

  32. What a lovely colorful dress with fun print! Love it!

    Thank you for linking up Beauty by Miss L Weekly Fashion Link Up! 

  33. The colors in that maxi dress are so pretty, I love it! And YES to all your summer cravings. A big glass of sangria sounds WONDERFUL right about now. I hope you enjoy your last few weeks in Europe!

  34. Such a pretty dress -
    Wait, you're moving back to Michigan ?

  35. What a stunning dress on you! I love the beautiful colors!


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