Wishful Shopping - Memorial Day Weekend 2014.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Ladies. Doing any shopping this weekend? There are so many sales, deals and coupons everywhere. It is a good time to pick up new clothes for Summer as well as find some left-over Winter clothes to wear next year. Here are some things I am currently liking, wanting, craving, lusting after (all on sale of course), from 3 of my favorite stores (I shop at). Click on the names of the items or the pictures to shop. =)

First some Dresses, Tops, Khakis, a Red Bow Belt (so cute + girly) and Jewelry at Banana Republic.

Heading over to BR's sister store - Gap for some Floral Pants, Striped Shorts, Summer Sweaters, Fall Shoes and some Easy pieces like Casual Dresses and Pull-overs.

Finishing off with a Favorite - White House Black Market for lots of Statement Necklaces, Fancy Dresses + Sheaths, Pencil Skirts, Dressy Shoes, Cardigans, a Cute Ruffled Puffer Vest and Blazers. They are having some excellent sales of 50-80% off original prices.

Are you doing any shopping this weekend? Let me know in the comments what you got. =)) What items from this post are you liking? Happy Shopping and Enjoy this long Memorial Day Weekend!!

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  1. no shopping for me this weekend. Still going strong with my shopping ban.

  2. Love the chambray dress and stud earrings. I did a little shopping this weekend. The sales are so hard to pass up! I had to start on my June budget though, ha! I always love Gap. They are my go to store.

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  3. I'm especially loving the chambray dress, the floral khakis and the floral sweatshirt! You will have to let us know if you get any of these things! I have already spent my quarterly budget (ooops) so I am avoiding these sales like the plague!

  4. So many great sales this weekend! I definitely took advantage. Following along now on GFC... thanks for all your support!!

  5. Love that lace bow shift! I've been trying not to look at all the sales since my bag purchase! :)

  6. I love your all your jewelry choices, Ada! I´m really wanting a black pair of loafers, liking those black ones that you chose. :)


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