A Paisley Maxi before Summer is Caput!

This week ending today on September 15th, we have experienced Summer, Fall & Winter here in Michigan. Yes the weather has yo-yoed up and down. Yesterday morning it was 36 degrees. Just two days before it was 95 degrees. Today is in the early 60s. I am telling you it has been craaazaaay. On one of the hot days, I decided to wear this Maxi Dress to run some errands (a.k.a shopping lol) and later on to welcome guests (two of my mom's girlfriends) at the house - they came to see the baby of course, and bring her gifts, too.

I figured I would wear a Summer Maxi Dress once more. I have had this dress for about 4 years now. The Dress is definitely Summery though the Paisley Print and the darker Plum through it, definitely screams Fall! I wish I had this Dress with me in Albania, last Summer when I was pregnant - it would have been perfect. As far as the Jewelry, I piled my Bracelets & Rings. Sometimes more is more. What do you think? Hope you had a great weekend so far. Happy Sunday Night.

And stay tuned this week because I got some great collaborations & some real pretty outfits coming your way. So keep visiting back. I appreciate all of you who read this blog. =)
Bracelets and Rings:
Neon Turquoise & Neon Orange, Plastic Bangle Bracelets (left hand): Ruum (New).
Real Gold Chain Bracelet (right hand): Gifted.
Burgundy, Red & Silver, Sparkly, Stretchy Beaded Bracelet (right hand): White House Black Market.
Blush Pearl & Peach Crystal, Stretchy Beaded Bracelet (right hand)The Limited.
Real Gold & Diamond Wedding Band & Engagement Ring (left hand): from My Husband.
Gold Ring w/ Flower-shaped, White/Yellow Rhinestones (left hand): Wal Mart.
Silver Ring w/ Circle, Green Opal Stone (right hand): A Local Jewelry Store (New & Gifted).
Silver Ring w/ Large Brown Stone & 2 Small Yellow Stones (right hand): Meijer's (New).
Purple & Multi-Color, Empire-Waist, Paisley-Print Maxi Dress: Express.
Silver, Medium Hoop Earrings: White House Black Market.
Silver Chain, Dainty Necklace w/ Pear-shaped, Sparkly Stone, Fireball: White House Black Market.
Nude, Strappy, Cork-Wedge Sandals w/ Butterfly in the Middle: Payless.

P.S. Linking up with the ladies below.

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  1. Very pretty dress, and it seems like it would be very comfortable!

    1. It is pretty and for the most part it is comfortable. But it is too long even for my 5.7" frame. That is why a little bit of a heel or wedge is needed for this.

  2. Ooooh what a pretty dress! It fits you so well!

    Good for you for wearing a summery maxi dress one more time - pretty soon it's going to be so cold that we'll all be wishing it was summer again!

    1. I love the Dress. I can see this Dress work on your tall, lean body. I know, Summer is leaving us. =(

  3. Such a pretty dress! You could definitely take this dress into fall by pairing it with a blazer or cardigan. Plus, purple is my favorite color so I am loving this.

    Sorry I missed your call yesterday. If you have time, give me a call anytime after 4:00 this week, ok?

    1. Thanks Heather. I know Purple is your Color. I love it too. =)

      I will E-Mail you or call you - no problem.

  4. What a pretty dress, love the colour and it looks great on you. The weather had been pretty insane here too. Don't know if it is going to be hot like summer or cool like fall. Thanks for all your nice comments on my blog!


    1. Yes, bi-polar weather is about to continue this week too, from what they are previewing. I have enjoyed all your latest outfits and posts too, Pia. =)

  5. What a pretty maxi, love the color on you.

  6. Replies
    1. I know, right. I am guessing Summer is over for now. We shall see it again in 2014. =)

  7. such a great dress! You could totally winterize it too! Top it off with a sweater to make it a skirt or a tee, blazer and boots! Thanks for coming by BAD and for your sweet comments as always :)
    Nikki at www.bedazzlesafterdark.com

    1. You are welcome. Several of you are saying how I can winterize this Dress so I will give it a try. Thanks for the ideas.

      You are welcome about the comments - my pleasure. Love your outfits, Nikki. =)

  8. Love this dress! Maxi dresses are so great for summer. I need to find a great one for fall!
    Thanks for all the love on my blog! :)



  9. What a pretty dress! The best part about it is that it will transition so nicely into the fall!

    1. It is on my "Style for Fall" list of things to wear, Kate. =)

  10. Love this dress on you and I think there's something very chic about a maxi dress with layered up jewelry!

    Jess - J's Style

    1. I love the dress too & I agree about layering up jewelry with it. =)

  11. You could totally rock that with a denim jacket when it gets cooler!

    1. I know. That's what I thought. A Denim Jacket & some Booties. ;-)


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