Magenta Coat and Carosuel Scarf.

Today was a great day. Baby Girl has been good for the most part. She slept pretty well last night - woke up two times - but still mommy got some sleep too. And on the afternoon I got to do a little bit of shopping. I was supposed to get some gifts: for my Mother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law and maybe something(s) for me too since March 8th is International Women's Day and they celebrate it a lot in Europe, especially in Eastern European Countries. It is quite a big deal in Albania and all the men get flowers and gifts for the women in their lives: wives, girlfriends, moms, sisters, etc. Well you know how that goes, a few things turned into a lot of things. I ended up buying a bunch of stuff for the baby too - mostly headbands - the baby headbands are hard to find here in Albania but I managed to find a few for her. I also got some jewelry and pretty much all accessories, both as gifts and for myself. In all I spent about $120 but indeed that got me a lot of things. Speaking of the Baby Girl, I am working on/preaparing a lengthy, picture-worthy post where you will finally get to meet her. Sorry it took so long but I am so busy these days and photos take a lot of time in general. I promise you though, she is WORTH THE WAIT. =) Carosuel

I have another newish outfit for you. This was a couple of weeks ago when we took our Baby Girl for her one-month checkup (which she aced). This coat is new - it was the first time I wore it and I love it. It was purchased at the end of the season last Winter for 65% off the price. My Target tank (that I wore a lot while pregnant) is still a very versatile and comfy item for me to wear. A couple of other new pieces I am wearing are the headband & the scarf from my January Purchases, this year. And the Express Skinny Pants I have had forever. I like that I am wearing such a Bold Magenta Color (as the dominating color) during a cold, Wintery month. =)

 Black+White, Small Floral Print, Scoop-neck Tank: Merona (Target).
Wine-Colored, Warm, Wool Cardigan: Pink Shadow.
Yellow, Hot, Pink, Carousel & Bicycle Print, Light Linen Scarf: A Scarf Boutique.
Charcoal Gray, Rayon-Stretch, Skinny Pants: Express.

Magenta, Plastic, Bow Headband: Terra Nova.
Magenta, Double-Breasted, Wool Coat w/ Black Buttons: London Girl Boutique.
Hot Pink, Soft Leather Loafers: Micci's.

P.S. Linking Up with the Following Linkup Parties.
Happy Hump Day!!


  1. What a pretty colored jacket! It looks wonderful paired with your scarf.

    I didn't even know about International Women's Day. Maybe I will have to give the hubby a hint to make sure he gets me something :) Heather

    1. Thanks. I love this coat. I need to show my outterwear more often. Yes, get hubby to get you something for sure. For my husband is even more of a big deal this year, now that I am a mom, too.

  2. great jacket! love the color mixed with yellow. and how exciting about baby girl. congrats!!!

  3. Your coat is so pretty. Glad to hear you and your daughter are doing well.

    1. I love the coat, too. I am glad Baby Girl & I are doing so well, too.

  4. What a pretty coat! Glad to hear your littl girl and you are good!

  5. International Women's Day?! That sounds awesome! I wish we celebrated it in the states - I am never opposed to any holiday that would result in flowers :)

    Cute coat, Ada! You look lovely!

    1. Yes, it is quite a big holiday here and also a reason for gift stores and flower places to hype up their prices, as you may imagine. LOL


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