Happy 2-Month Birthday Vivian - My Sweetheart!!

Today little Miss Vivian turns 2 months old. I cannot believe how fast time flew by. I will work towards a 2-month update post on her, but today I want to share with you some of my favorite pictures of my little girl from the past 2 months (excluding photos from today). My little girl is growing up, as you will see yourselves from the photos too. She is not a tiny (less than 6 and a half pounds) baby, anymore. She is very active, healthy and vital. Ohhh and she gets prettier each day, with her chubby cheeks, deep blue eyes, long dark hair and those very active, little hands that she loves playing with. Enjoy the Photos!! And Thank You!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIVIAN, OUR LITTLE PRINCESS!! Mommy and Daddy (all your grandparents, your auntie, your uncle and soooo many other people) love you very much!

P.S. All Photos are in Chronological Order. Hope you liked them. =)))


  1. ohhh sa e miraaaa Ada po sa eshte rritur, po syçkat i paska ngjyre boje qielli????

    U kenaqa me keto foto, uket qe Vivi i ka ngjare mamit k sh qef te dali foto e te vishet bukur.

    xoxo Lulu.

    1. Po Lulu. Syckat i ka te kaltra. Eshte shume e embel si femije, pervecse e bukur. Dhe pergjithesisht neper foto del mire, mashalla. =) Flmd per te gjitha komplimentat.

  2. Look at those cheeks! She sure is getting big. We tagged you in our post today.

    1. I love her cheeks and yeah she gets bigger by the day. =)

  3. Yeah! I'm loving all her hair to, so sweet!

  4. Aww! How cute is she! So adorable!


  5. Happy 2 months Vivian, love your chubby cheeks ;-)



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