My Sweet Baby Girl Has Arrived!! WELCOME!!

Hello All, how is your Wednesday? Here I am making a Special Announcement, Today!!

You may or may not have noticed I didn't post last weekend an update on my Baby Story on Week 38. Also, you may have noticed I haven't been that active posting, commenting or checking out your blogs on a regular basis. Well, see there is a VERY GOOD REASON for all that...

I planned on writing "My Baby's Story: Week 38" on Friday January 18th and have it run on my blog, the next day. However, Friday evening is when I was submitted to the hospital, a few hours after my water broke and Saturday January 19th marked the birth, birthdate and birthday of My Sweet, Precious, Little Baby Girl whom we named Vivian, a name we have known about for 4-5 months, now. It is a name that originates from France and it means "Lively! Full of Life! Full of Energy". That is exactly how she is, even at 4 days old. And that is exactly how we want and wish for her to be FULL OF LIFE.

Vivian was born at 3.30 AM, Albanian Time (GMT) in Tirana - Albania. She weighs 6.6 lbs and measures at 19.2 inches tall. She is beautiful - that is all I am saying for now till you see photos of her. I know every mom says that about her baby but believe me, she truly is. For the most part it was a smooth birth and delivery. It was all natural, no epidural was used. Yes, I am in a little bit of pain now while I still recover but I only spent one night at the hospital (not counting the night she was born). And while a little sleep-deprived and quite tired, she is worth every small and big sacrifice. She truly is. Her birth was definitely the Sweetest Pain.

And while I tend to her as much as she needs me, while I still catch up on some sleep, I will try to stay active blogging as much as I can. I have pre-scheduled a few posts as well, including some outfits I wore during the last days of My Pregnancy and some worn during some Special Ocassions. I was behind outfit-posting for one and I don't plan on going out anywhere anytime real soon, so keeping things real around this blog and showing you outfits I have actually worn, though some days later. Also, I have a few nice Blog Friends filling out for me while I attend to my sweet little Vivian. Thank you Blog Friends. And with that said, I am still welcoming Guest Posts for you at my E-Mail Thank you.

P.S. Linking up today with Shanna for Random Wednesdays.

The Cake My Parents in USA ordered in Her Honor when she arrived, to welcome the Birth of their First Grandbaby.
A Special Balloon brought to us at the Hospital from two of my husband's cousins. In red it says WELCOME VIVIAN in Albanian.
More Balloons for Vivian & Mommy.
Beautiful Flowers Brought at the Hospital from Mommy & Daddy's Friends.
The Cake We Welcomed Home Vivian (special ordered by my In-Laws). We forgot to take a whole photo of the cake before cutting it but you get the idea. It also reads "Welcome Vivian" in Albanian.


  1. Oh congratulations! Vivian is a beautiful name. Can't wait to see photos of her. Enjoy your special time and get some rest :) Heather

    1. I cannot wait to share her beauty with you my Blogger Friends. She is truly special and every time she is in my arms, I am nursing and breast-feeding her, I get that much closer to her. Mamma loves her so very much.

  2. Sooooo excited for you and glad to hear you're both doing well. Don't worry about blogging while you're getting adjusted, we all understand. Getting to be a mom is so wonderful but a big adjustment. We'll be here to welcome you both when you're ready :)

    1. Yes we are both doing well and I am still recovering. I agree with what you said about being a mom. I will try to spend some time here on Blogger but of course most of my quality time will be spent cuddling her, holding her, feeding her, changing her, dressing her, caring for her, loving her!! Thanks for the kind words & support, Ginny.

  3. congratulations!!!! vivian is such a gorgeous name! so glad you and baby v are doing well! can't wait to hear more about her :)


    1. I will for sure write a lot more about her, soon. She is my life now, she is my world. She definitely has changed my life (for the better, of course). I am so in enamored with her. Thank you Natalie.

  4. Congratulations!! I'm glad the birth went smoothly! Vivian is a beautiful name, can't wait to see pictures!

    1. Yes, it was smooth Thank God, everything worked out. We are so lucky and I am blessed beyond words. Her father and I chose the name together & we love it.

  5. Congratulations! What a beautiful match a beautiful baby girl :). No epidural?? You're one tough cookie! Hope the recovery gets easier and easier sweet momma! Enjoy every moment with your precious all passes too quickly.

    1. I know Brittany, no epidural. It was "Wham, Bam, Thank You Mam" for me. It was 4 very painful but fast hours and then she joined this world. I KNOW ABOUT TIME BEING PRECIOUS. She is just a week old today but it is bittersweet. Where did the week go by?

      Thanks so much for all your beautiful wishes, sweet mamma yourself. =)

  6. I had a feeling your had you baby girl. Congrats and her name is beautiful

    1. Yes, it has been a week now. What a quick, fast week it was. I do love her name, we all love it and it seems like everyone else does, too.

  7. Te te rroje Ada. Ta gezoje edhe emrin e bukur qe i keni zgjedhur. Ta keni me jete edhe qofshi gjithmon te lumtur me Vivian dhe Piron :)

    1. Shume Shume Faleminderit e Dashur. Te na rroje vertet. Do i jap urimet e tua edhe Piros. =)

  8. Oh, I know that Vivian is going to be a Pretty, Pretty Woman like her mommy. Congrats, Ada! I am so happy for you and your family. Can't wait to see baby pics!

    1. I cannot wait to show everyone photos too, but you will have to wait a little bit longer. I hope she grows up to be healthy, good, strong & beautiful. She is all those things, now. ;-) She is one adorable, strong, healthy, good, beautiful little baby.

  9. Congrats on your new baby girl! And what a beautiful name. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a congrats on your smooth delivery.

    I'm hoping to get a guest post together for you this weekend.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind wishes, sweet words and that amazing Guest Post. It was beautiful. =)

  10. Welcome to the world, baby Vivian! What a beautiful name!

  11. Congratulations!!! Such a gorgeous name for your baby girl!

    Jess - J's Style

  12. sa lajm i bukur, jam sh e lumtur per ty Ada, urroj gjithe te mirat mbrekullise se vogel Vivian, emer i adhurushem zgjellje sh e mie :) Urrimeeeeeeeeee Lulu.

    1. Edhe une jam shume e lumtur Lulu. E adhurojme Mrekulline tone te Vogel dhe emrin e saj te bukur. =)

  13. Congrats a thousand times! What a beautiful name for I'm sure a very beautiful little girl. How exciting for you!

  14. Congratulations, Ada! I am so happy for you! I bet Vivian is beautiful!

    1. Thank You Ashley. Of course I am BIASED but Vivian truly is Beautiful. =)

  15. OH ADA! how exciting :) congratulations on the arrival of Vivian, we ALMOST share a birthday. Hugs

    1. Thanks a Lot Lorena. =) I do appreciate it. I am happy on the Birthday too. You are a cool lady so if Vivian has some of your characteristics, even better.

  16. Congrats! I can't even imagine the pain you must have gone through but I'm glad it was all worth it for your sweet baby girl!

  17. Congrats to you & your family!



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