Double Turquoise, Double Prints.
Have any of you ever watched "Prison Break"? It was (in my opinion) one of the best TV Shows that FOX ever had. Actually it was one of the Best TV Shows of the past decade, truly phenomenal and unique. =) It lasted for 4 full seasons and ended about 4 years ago. It was probably the only TV Show my husband and I watched and enjoyed together. Well, starting this past weekend, we decided to start watching it again so we have been on a Prison Break Marathon for these past few days. We are currently on episode 8th of Season 2. =) It is a great show that I am enjoying even more this second time around. If any of you have watched it, you can relate. If you haven't watched it, I suggest you get it through Netflix or Blockbuster because it is worth watching it. It makes you look at the government, FBI & CIA in a different light. Yes, it is fictional but still. There was some fantastic writing and great acting on this show. There were a lot of characters and they all acted their parts, to perfection. Anyway, moving on to the outfit...
I love Turquoise and I wore it a lot during 2012. Last year I also paired Turquoise a lot with Red and it ended up being one of my Most Favorite Color Combinations. If you want to check out those outfits just click under the label "Turquoise". Today I am doing Double Turquoise & Double Prints (on top). But there is a little Red in the mix too, through the stripes of my Colorful Cardigan. I brought in two more shades of Turquoise through the Scarf & Necklace (one of my favorite necklaces in my collection). What do you think of the outfit?
F.Y.I. I am still accepting Guest Posts. It looks like my Baby Girl should come next week. So I need a few days to relax and I will be gone for a few days too, while I am in the hospital and when I bring her home and spend as much time with her as possible. That is why I am counting on you Beautiful, Fashionable Ladies to take turns Guest Posting in my blog. E-Mail me at: ada.furxhi<@> Thanks in Advance. =)
I love Turquoise and I wore it a lot during 2012. Last year I also paired Turquoise a lot with Red and it ended up being one of my Most Favorite Color Combinations. If you want to check out those outfits just click under the label "Turquoise". Today I am doing Double Turquoise & Double Prints (on top). But there is a little Red in the mix too, through the stripes of my Colorful Cardigan. I brought in two more shades of Turquoise through the Scarf & Necklace (one of my favorite necklaces in my collection). What do you think of the outfit?
F.Y.I. I am still accepting Guest Posts. It looks like my Baby Girl should come next week. So I need a few days to relax and I will be gone for a few days too, while I am in the hospital and when I bring her home and spend as much time with her as possible. That is why I am counting on you Beautiful, Fashionable Ladies to take turns Guest Posting in my blog. E-Mail me at: ada.furxhi<@> Thanks in Advance. =)
Turquoise, Cobalt, White & Red Stripped Cardigan: Gruppo
Turqouise & White Floral, Light
Cotton, Sleeveless, Cowl-neck Shell: Liz Lange
Wide-Legged, Comfortable, Ponte, Maternity
Black Paints: Oh Baby by Motherhood.
Turquoise, Knitted, Warm Scarf w/ Sparkly Siler Threading through it: Hand-Made.
Flower, Baby Blue, Statement Necklace: Aldo's Accessories.
Silver Chain Bracelet: Kohl's.
Silver Ring w/ Long Oval-Shaped Orange
Stone: Kohl's.
Black, Suede Oxford Shoes: Forever 21.
P.S. I am linking up today with: Transatlantic Blonde, Rolled Up Pretty, Because Shanna Said So, The Pleated Poppy.
P.S. I am linking up today with: Transatlantic Blonde, Rolled Up Pretty, Because Shanna Said So, The Pleated Poppy.

Shume urime ty ne kete vit te ri Ada! Te me falesh per vonesen ne pergjigje por nuk jam sh. prezente keto kohe. Po lexoj qe shtatzania jote po arrin drejt fundit. Komplimente dhe te uroj nje lindje te kollajshme! Une jam ne mes gati. Pak kohe me pare mora vesh qe ishte djale dhe u gezova pamase.
ReplyDeleteTanime me duhet te bej nje guarderobe te re per bebin por e kam shume te veshtire. Dal per shopping per te dhe perfundon qe i blej me teper rroba vajzes sime 7 vjeçe, sepse per meshkujt ska shume zgjedhje :) Njeh ndonje marke me veshje funny per beba-çuna? I gjeta tek Zara baby nje pale kepuce kamoshi me aplikime metali dhe jane te vetmet gjera te lezetshme qe kam blere per te :(
Tung, edi
Flmd Edi. Shume Faleminderit, Do te te shkruaj me gjate tek faqja jote. Urime edhe ty. =)
DeleteMy hubby is addicted to watching Prison Break on Netflix! I love your pattern mixing today and you look beautiful in turquoise.
It is a great show. You should watch it. I love Turquoise. =)
DeleteI love you in turquoise! Looks so pretty! And I've never watched Prison Break but it sounds like something Z would really like.
ReplyDeleteI love Turquoise too. Get Zach started on that show. He would love it. Maybe you two can watch it together.
DeleteAlso, would you like to Guest Post for me as I kindly asked? Let me know. My E-Mail is ada.furxhi<@>
I loved Prison break and I love watching a show in the marathon format. Way to enjoy yourself before your sweet girl comes :)
It is a fantastic show and it doesn't hurt watching it for a second time. Just spending my time at work watching shows - you know I won't have that much time once she arrives.
DeleteI tried to email you back from your comment, but you are set up as a no reply commenter. You can add your email address in your profile settings.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your sweet comment.
You can turn off word verification in your blogger profile settings.
You can Google on how to make a blog button or hire someone for a reasonable price. I am not very good at it.
Thank you for asking me to guest post, but right now I am not doing that anymore. I barley have time to do my own posts. I hope you understand.
Thanks for linking up.
I had no idea about the no-reply commenter. I have to switch that but I don't know how. And I will turn the Word Verification off, no problem. Later down the road maybe (when I have some time) I will learn how to create a button - no big deal.
DeleteThanks for all your kind advise and no problem about not being able to Guest Post. It's ok. =)
Your baby bump is super adorable!!!!! I'm 25 weeks:)
Congrats on your Bundle of Joy as well. Girl or boy?
DeleteI've never watched Prison Break; I'm not even sure if it was on here or not lol!
ReplyDeleteGood luck next week! Thanks for the guest post invite but I'm so crazy busy I unfortunately can't commit right not but I'm super flattered!
✰Transatlantic Blonde✰
Prison Break is an American TV Show. =)