Comfort Pregnancy Basics with Pops of Color.

Today was one of those mornings I couldn't wake up. I was dreading it. On my defense, I woke up around 3.00 AM to tinkle and couldn't fall back to sleep for at least another hour and a half or two. I am such a light sleeper. It has to be super quiet for me to fall asleep. Once I am sleeping I am OK. My husband is a heavy sleeper and he snores a little, nothing too loud but loud enough for me not to sleep. Ehhh. So I finally slept again and then around 8, his alarm clock woke me back up. But I slept it off till 10.15 AM when I had set my own alarm. I try to wake up later when I work the afternoon/evening shift at work. Anyway this is a lot of sleep talk.

The outfit below is exactly how I am titling this post. It is nothing special but it is very comfortable. This outfit actually looks very much alike to this one, except it has leggings. These are the black version of my gray leggings from Express. The shell is also the same as the black/white & gray one from the post I linked to, except this is orange & white. It has simple little flowers so I wore a simple cute flower necklace. The orange tee and turquoise necklace are my pops of color to this otherwise dark outfit.

Orange & White, Small Floral Print, Scoop-neck Tank: Merona (Target).
Charcoal Gray, 3/4-Sleeve Maternity Flyaway Cardigan: Oh Baby, by Motherhood.
Black, Elastic Synthetic Leggings w/ Zippers off the Side: Express.
Flower, Baby Blue, Statement Necklace: Aldo's Accessories.
Small, Silver, Bird, Drop Earrings: Parfois.
Black, Suede Oxford Shoes: Forever 21.


  1. hellooo Ada, qenka rritur barku, sa bukur, me plq sh kjo veshje sepse eshte sh komode por edhe e rehateshme, varsia qenka sh e bukur.

    te pershendes.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Lulu e dashur shume flmd. Kjo veshje eshte shume e thjeshte por disi shik mendoj. Kepucet Oxford qe jane dressy dhe me maje e bejne me shume te tille. ;-)

  2. Me pelqen kjo veshja e sotme, eshte e thjeshte, por shume e kendshme. Edhe ajo varsja po ma beka me sy :P

    1. Rrofsh Aulona. Varesja eshte e bukur e di. I ka gati njesoj lulet si te bluzes.

      Nuk e kam veshur sot kete, pa ca dite sepse jam zakonisht nja 1 jave deri ne 10 dite mbrapa me postet. =D

  3. The bow around your baby bump is so cute! Loving the turqouise and orange color combo too :)

    1. Thanks. I had never tried Turquouise & Orange together but it works. And I am all about BOWS in any form, shape, size, etc. LOL

  4. I love your necklace! SO pretty. You are fabulous!

  5. I'm such a light sleeper too. I hate it. you looks so cute in this outfit

    1. I know. Being a light sleeper is not good when you are trying to sleep!

  6. Lovely turquoise and orange combo! The print is adorable.

    I usually wake up very easily, but I also go back to sleep fairly easily too. It's hardest convincing myself to actually get out of bed!

    1. I think the print is my favorite too. I am glad I wore the necklace with this top cause I think they look so cute together.

      Well If I am really tired, beat, dead, I also fall asleep quite easily but if I am during that time of sleep when my sleep is light, the smallest noise or snore can wake me. =(

  7. This is a great look for you! I agree with the others that the orange and turquoise is lovely!



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