Serious Talk and an Outfit.
Good Morning Ladies. This morning I read a very interesting article about Bullying. Here it is, I am sharing it with you because I find the article to really be portraying bullying in today's society and we all can learn something from it, especially those of you who have kids. I, too, was bullied in Middle School (7th & 8th grade) and in High School. I did most of my High School in Albania & finished my Junior year as well as my entire Senior year in USA. I was bullied in both of my high schools, usually due to my very small, scrawny, little figure. I was very thin as a child and growing up as a teenager. Most of the bullying was verbal, but some of it was even physical. I was also very passive, not assertive enough, kept to myself, was shy and timid so with the exception of a couple of close friends, almost no one really knew how I felt. Many days I went home, locked myself in my room and started crying. It was awful. Sometimes I didn't even share it with my parents. It was hurtful and my personality and voice were not strong enough to say STOP to it. To tell you the truth though, I also hadn't heard the term "bullying" at the time. I didn't realize it was a lot bigger of a problem than it seemed.
Fast-forward 15 years later and bullying is still a huge problem in Middle Schools & High Schools, actually even bigger than before. It makes me angry and mad inside but also quite sad and understanding for those poor souls that are bullied because I have been in their shoes. Once I finished High School and graduated in top 20 of my class of about 400 students, I held my head up strong when I walked to receive that diploma and turned my tassle on the other side. Actually teachers loved me because I was a good student, I studied hard and was not a trouble-maker at all. And that gave some students even more reason to bully me. When I started college, I became strong, independent and assertive to stand up for myself though I did not experience any more bullying. But even if another student did me wrong, I confronted him or her. It is sad to see how as a society instead of improving, we have taken ten steps back in this area and bullying is now of the biggest social problems out there. Many times it has ended in suicide and that is so heartbreaking. Good job Brittany Snow (one of my favorite young actresses) for starting Love is Louder which indeed is such a true statement. Love is a lot louder than any pricks, bullies and bad seeds out there. The ones that do the bullying are actually the weak ones; they are the ones that need the most help. I usually keep my blogs light-hearted and usually talk a little bit about my day & then move on to the outfit but I couldn't help myself today. I felt so inspired after reading these different articles, that I had to share my own opinions. Have any of you ever experienced any type of bullying in your lives? Was it in High School? How did you handle it? Share your experiences with me as I did with you. Thank You.
And now moving on to today's outfit, featuring an Orange-Red rose-print skirt with a kick pleat" - that's what I like to call it - and a simple Baby-Blue/Grayish tee which is truly comfortable. Please forgive the little dotted stains on the top. I took these photos after drinking some bottled water & the water was so cold, the bottle sort of exploded a little bit on me when I opened it. LOL Once again I am wearing my fun red loafers. =) And that glass-beaded necklace truly goes with everything, because it has all colors. Love the pastel tones.
Fast-forward 15 years later and bullying is still a huge problem in Middle Schools & High Schools, actually even bigger than before. It makes me angry and mad inside but also quite sad and understanding for those poor souls that are bullied because I have been in their shoes. Once I finished High School and graduated in top 20 of my class of about 400 students, I held my head up strong when I walked to receive that diploma and turned my tassle on the other side. Actually teachers loved me because I was a good student, I studied hard and was not a trouble-maker at all. And that gave some students even more reason to bully me. When I started college, I became strong, independent and assertive to stand up for myself though I did not experience any more bullying. But even if another student did me wrong, I confronted him or her. It is sad to see how as a society instead of improving, we have taken ten steps back in this area and bullying is now of the biggest social problems out there. Many times it has ended in suicide and that is so heartbreaking. Good job Brittany Snow (one of my favorite young actresses) for starting Love is Louder which indeed is such a true statement. Love is a lot louder than any pricks, bullies and bad seeds out there. The ones that do the bullying are actually the weak ones; they are the ones that need the most help. I usually keep my blogs light-hearted and usually talk a little bit about my day & then move on to the outfit but I couldn't help myself today. I felt so inspired after reading these different articles, that I had to share my own opinions. Have any of you ever experienced any type of bullying in your lives? Was it in High School? How did you handle it? Share your experiences with me as I did with you. Thank You.
And now moving on to today's outfit, featuring an Orange-Red rose-print skirt with a kick pleat" - that's what I like to call it - and a simple Baby-Blue/Grayish tee which is truly comfortable. Please forgive the little dotted stains on the top. I took these photos after drinking some bottled water & the water was so cold, the bottle sort of exploded a little bit on me when I opened it. LOL Once again I am wearing my fun red loafers. =) And that glass-beaded necklace truly goes with everything, because it has all colors. Love the pastel tones.
Short-Sleeve, Scoop-Neck, Baby Blue, Soft Cotton Tee: Ann
Taylor LOFT.
Orange-Red, Rose-Print, A-line, Midi Skirt: Old Navy.
Multi-Colored, Beaded, Crystal Necklace: Fred's
Skinny, Patent Leather, Coral Belt: White House Black
Red &
White-Trimmed, Leather Loafers: Micci's.

So sorry to hear you were bullied in school! It's definitely an issue and it seems to have gotten worse with social media, etc. Girls I think are more cruel than boys too. On a happy note, your skirt is adorable! Love the red and baby blue paired together! Heather
ReplyDeletep.s. we are going to do colored blazers for our next remix :)
Thanks for commenting on the bullying post.
DeleteAnd Twice Thank You for doing Colored Blazers. I almost purchased one the other day in a Small. While it fits, I would have loved to have seen a Medium on me since the Large was huge. They have bright Hot Pink, Orange & Turquoise Colors & they are selling quicklyyyy. I think I have to get one. =D
You look great, Ada! I love your cute belly :)
ReplyDeleteSo sad about the bullying :) I recently read an article about a girl who was bullied who eventually committed suicide. It was so awful. I don't have much interaction with high schoolers or middle schoolers, but I think it is an important issue for everyone to be aware of!
Thanks for the compliments. Love how the belly looks on these photos, too.
DeleteBullying is really a sad and very real problem these days, especially in High Schools. =(
I love the blue and red together.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear you were bullied. I was badly bullied growing up because I was small and young looking. Middle school was the worst. In high school, I stopped hanging out with anyone specific and began floating around to different social groups. I kept my best friends outside of school, and because of that I was able to keep myself more insulated from bullying.
I do think it's worse and worse in schools these days. I think it's the worst when bullying comes from teachers or is directed at teachers. I've watched both happen and in both cases its extremely cruel.
I am sorry you were bullied, too. Because I was small & young-looking too, these were the main causes for my bullying.
DeleteI had no idea there is so much bullying directed at or coming from the teachers, nowdays. But I do know bullying has gotten worse.
Bullying seems to have have gotten out of hand.
ReplyDeleteI was bullyied by a group of mean girls - i tried not to let it affect me but it did.
I dont think i told anyone about it.
Yes, it is out of control for sure. Actually most of my bullying came from guys/boys who were also a lot stronger, bigger & taller than me. =(