A Multi-Blue Watercolor Delight.

So, how often do you repeat an item in your closet? I am asking this question as a woman first of all, secondly as someone who loves Fashion, and last but not least as a Fashion Blogger? I try not to repeat an item more than every two weeks, despite the fact that some clothing I love/adore more than others. I think between my huge closet, my photographic memory, my blog - which helps me document all of the past outfits - and my approach to remix well and to try out different things in my closet, I end up wearing items more sporadically and not repeating a blouse, a scarf, a skirt, a dress, etc, too often. This is not the case for shoes and boots, purses and/or jewelry. But for clothes, I definitely think that's the case. The hardest things to repeat each time while making it feel like something new and different on your body, are dresses. Especially if they are printed, have an unique style and/or color, etc. Because really a classic sheath or LBD is much more remixable than a floral dress, a maxi orange dress or a pink ruffled dress - just to give you a couple of comparing examples. I also think having a blog, makes you more self-conscious of repeating an outfit or certain items, despite the fact that I keep things real in my blog. Which means outfits you see are what I have actually worn out, mostly to work, but even on casual days, off days, weekends and dates. None of them are planned-out outfits to wear in the future and my photos atren't all taken one Sunday or during one weekend. My photos are taken the very same day I have worn that outfit. That is why sometimes you get tired photos, not-so-happy smiles and such, because I am human after all and I don't always want to pose for a picture or several. =)

Case in point, I wore this bold, colorful, floral dress not too long ago and you can see it right here on my blog. I was careful about what I paired it with the second time around. The dress alone is a bold, notice-me piece and I think at least 3-4 weeks have to go by from each time I would wear this dress. Because like I said it's one of those dresses that people remember, including me who wears it. As you will notice between this post and the last time I wore this dress, none of my jewelry is the same, neither are the shoes. Yes, both times I wore thong sandals. But while the first time I chose bold-colored sandals in a complimentary color (orange) that were also floral, this time I brought out the black parts of the dress by wearing black sandals. I also brought out a couple of other colors in the dress: Blue & Green. My earrings are a Lime Green color while my necklace has a very light Sky Blue stone. I am sorry you get to see a summery chiffon dress while it's Fall, but so far Fall has been pretty warm, sunny and bright here, hence this dress.

Floral "Painted", Blue-Mix Colorful, Empire-Waist, High-Collar Dress: The Limited.
Square-Shaped, Lime-Green Stud Earrings w/ Tiny Patterned Multi-Square Stones: Express.
Silver Chain, Dainty Necklace w/ a Teardrop Shaped Baby Blue Stone: Kohl's.
Skinny, Bronze & Gold Bangles: London Boutique.
Oval-Shaped, Olive Green, Plastic Sunglasses: Old Navy.
Tory-Burch "Look-Alike", Black, Thong Sandals: Il Cammino.


  1. Jam shume dakort per gjithcka qe ke shkruar ne post Ada. Dhe une e kam fiksim kete pjesen, zakonisht i vesh rrobat me nje distance gati nje muaj qe nga hera e fundit qe mund ta kem veshur. Tami me blogun nje here eshte hall me vete :P Do te doja te beja te njejten gje edhe me kepucet, pooor fatkeqsisht nuk kam aq shume :P Ky fustani me pelqen dhe ty te shkojne vertet ngjyrat!

    1. Rrofsh e dashur, shuuuuuuuuume faleminderit. Ehu sa kepuce kam une, solla ploooot nga USA, kryesisht taka. Por gabimisht duhet te kisha marre me shume flats dhe balerina. U detyrova te blija ketu disa te tilla dhe pak a shume gjate Veres kam alternuar midis nja 8 pale kepuceve/sandaleve shesh se fatkeqesisht ec shume e para dhe e dyta doja te isha rehat ngaqe jam shtatzane.

      P.S. Tek ai eventi i filmit te Elizes isha edhe une e ftuar por fatkeqesisht kam qene 2 dite e semure me temperature ne shtepi ndaj s'erdha dot. Madje e kisha planifikuar edhe fustanin qe do vishja (i kuq pas trupit, do ma nxirrte barkun rrumbullak), ehhhh.

  2. I tend to aim for about the same 2-week window when remixing. Sometimes I just can't wait to rewear something, I actually have a lot more clothes than I realize sometimes. I like "real" closets though, seeing people remixing their clothes, so I'm not sure why I worry about repeats.

    1. I agree Megan. It is not that I worry about repeats, it's just the way I am - I love remixing. When we went on vacation that first week of September I didn't bring many clothes (on purpose) and I changed about 2 outfits daily. Everything I brought was remixable, though. =)

  3. Back in high school repeating outfits was a huge concern. I dont care anymore.
    Since i will wear an item several times before throwing it in the laundry bag, you will see me repeat things. Then I will not wear them for a year or more. I know... tht's way too long.
    I love this dress on you, the cut on the neck area looks marvelous.

  4. I love this dress too. I don't care about repeating items either, but this dress has a truly unique print & colors so it stands out. Most people would definitely remember it. I don't think I often (if not ever) repeat an outfit 100% though.


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