Wonderful Wednesday: Baby Announcement!
Hello All and Happy Wednesday. It is a Wonderful Wednesday indeed. I haven't done Wonderful Wednesdays in a while, but today I have MORE THAN ENOUGH REASON to have it be Wonderful!! It is also blessed, beautiful, lovely, happy, bright and full of sunshine, and I mean it both weather-wise and mood-wise. I should warn you in advance, this is going to be a lengthy post, a lot more than what I usually write. I have plenty of reason to be so talkative and detailed today. It is my happy feelings and strong emotions, talking after all.
See, dear readers, followers and fashionistas... It is time I share a Happy Little Secret with you (also followed up with photos). My husband and I are expecting. I am a little over three months pregnant and some of you might have even noticed a slight belly bump in the last few weeks or so. It is a tiny bump and with the right clothes it can either be shown or hidden (not on purpose). Today on August 8th 2012, I had my 4th ultra-sound and I am glad to report that despite me loosing weight in the last 3-4 weeks, the baby is growing up normally and in time. The baby has a heartbeat, as well as the right/normal proportions and weight for how many weeks old he/she is so far. We are over-the-moon happy, joyful and blessed by this news. I have never been around babies, neither have I ever changed a diaper, in my whole life. But none of this worries me. I have got those mother instincts before I even knew I was pregnant and they became even larger once I suspected I might me. Once we found out the positive test result, I got those womanly, motherly feelings beating strongly within me. Actually that very early May morning I found out, I woke my husband up, with tears of joy down my cheeks. First thing I said to myself is "WOW, I am going to be a Mom!". Then, tears bursted through my face as I was happily smiling. I hugged my sleepy husband through those tears, as I laughed at the same time - a sweet, soft laughter. This was a beautiful Sunday morning and even-though we were both off that day and it was just about 6.00 AM, I couldn't sleep any longer. I was too excited, a little nervous, emotional, happy, a little scared, etc, etc. over what I had "discovered".
As I shared with you earlier this year (sometime in late Winter or Early Spring), it was in our plans to start a family this year and thankfully God-willing we got pregnant right away. So our big wish of starting a family and having our first child join the two of us, is indeed a reality growing inside me! It is a beautiful reality that I see through the photos of the ultra-sound every time I go in for a check. And even-though I haven't felt the baby yet (they say in 2-3 weeks I should feel the first kick), I know this healthy, beautiful, innocent, heart-beating, tiny human being is growing within me. This makes me so happy. It has also made me so much more nurturing in general, especially nurturing and caring towards my own body. I have never been a health freak, but at the same time I have never been unhealthy, not at all. I don't particularly eat unhealthy foods. I prefer boiled or grilled to fried foods for example. I love fruits and vegetables. I drink a lot of water. I do not smoke. I do not drink any soda or if I do, very rarely and no more than a glass for that day. But now that a tiny baby is growing inside me and depending on me to take care of him, I have to be way more careful. I have taken my Prenatal Vitamins and Acid Folic daily. I drink a lot of juices and most of them not concentrated, or straight from the store's bottled versions. I prefer to blend my own fruits and vegetables and drink them fresh. I don't eat any shellfish or sushi. I eat my meats and poultry cooked not raw. I make sure everything is cleaned well, etc, etc. Being pregnant changes you. It is a whole different lifestyle. I am sure once I am actually a mom and can carry my baby in my own arms, will change me even more. Hopefully in a better, positive way.
Probably by September I will start pregnancy shopping. I don't plan on buying a lot of things, not at all. I will mix and match my closet to the maximum, including clothes I already own that may fit me. As a matter of fact, my mom will do most of my pregnancy-clothes shopping for me, from United States. I like the choices and prices there much more than here in Albania. There are a lot less styles, let alone flattering/cute styles here and the prices are quite steep for clothes you get to wear for such a limited time, plus pregnancy clothing sales are almost non-existant. The fact that my mom will buy most of my clothes for me, even-though I will guide her and send her links and favorite items for most of them, is a little bit scary. Scary, not because I don't trust her taste and her judgement. She has great taste after all. She is a beautiful, classy woman. But, scary because I will not get to try them on first. And you know my body is going to change. It is already starting to change. But I will make sure I give her all the right measurements and directions. Layering will be a must while pregnant especially since I will be pregnant all Fall and most of Winter. I am sure there will be a few repeated outfits, due to the fact that I don't plan on buying a ton of stuff. However, I will do my best accessorizing, staying stylish, keeping cool and dressing cute as a mom-to-be! I need to show my belly all the love it needs and deserves, after all.
The most important part throughout this entire journey is being and staying healthy and not getting sick, both for me and for my baby. Thankfully I have had a pretty easy pregnancy so far. The worst part for me has been the super high temperatures we have had this summer. I have been pregnant all summer and especially dealing with this insane heat during the first trimester of your pregnancy, which is the most high-risk time and the time you got to be more careful, was a huge challenge for me. During those three months is when your body feels the most different hormonally. So my hormones combined with the high heat have caused some low blood pressure at times, which has further resulted in headaches, stomach aches, nausea, vertigo and fatigue. So, I apologize to you readers for how much I have complained over the super-hot summer, during these last 2 and a half months, in my blog posts. Now that my secret is out (=D) I think you can justify my complaining. I hear that it has been an overall hot summer throughout the planet. They are calling this summer 2012 - "African Summer". And it is because of this heat and the fact that I have lost appetite over so many foods I previously loved, that this last month I lost all 5-6 lbs. I gained in the first 8 weeks of my pregnancy. However, it hasn't affected my health or the baby's anyhow, so everything is perfectly normal - I am happy to state.
Well, so this was My Very Happy Announcement for today. Our family and most of my friends including some close virtual Facebook friends, have been told. But I have yet to announce it on Facebook. I feel as if I get more personal with you fellow bloggers on a daily basis. We do share moments of our lives and our daily outfits after all. That's why I shared this news with you FIRST, as far as virtually goes! With you I am not as shy. Facebook is a whole different ball game and I like to think of it as less intimate of a social site. However, probably before this week is over, I will probably share this VERY HAPPY & EXCITING BABY NEWS over on Facebook, as well. It has been hard as it is keeping it " a secret" for so long (we actually kept it to ourselves - just hubby and I - till I was two full months, before we told our families). I am so happy by this news, I want to shout it to the world!! Of course, our parents are very happy too! My husband and I both have younger siblings who aren't married or have kids. So this child will be the first grandchild for both sides of our families as well as the first niece or nephew for both my brother or his sister.
So, without any further adieu, I present you some photos showing off my baby bump. These photos were taken just a few days ago. It was a dress (non-pregnancy dress) I have worn previously before, this summer also, a dress that really showed off my little bump beautifully. I knew these photos would be the pictures I made my Baby Debut with, so I concentrated on the belly. I didn't try to hide it at all. I embraced it. I think for being some of the first photos where you could really see my baby bump, this was a nice, stylish outfit to dress my pregnant self. Hope you like them!
Thank You All for Reading!! I Appreciate it.
See, dear readers, followers and fashionistas... It is time I share a Happy Little Secret with you (also followed up with photos). My husband and I are expecting. I am a little over three months pregnant and some of you might have even noticed a slight belly bump in the last few weeks or so. It is a tiny bump and with the right clothes it can either be shown or hidden (not on purpose). Today on August 8th 2012, I had my 4th ultra-sound and I am glad to report that despite me loosing weight in the last 3-4 weeks, the baby is growing up normally and in time. The baby has a heartbeat, as well as the right/normal proportions and weight for how many weeks old he/she is so far. We are over-the-moon happy, joyful and blessed by this news. I have never been around babies, neither have I ever changed a diaper, in my whole life. But none of this worries me. I have got those mother instincts before I even knew I was pregnant and they became even larger once I suspected I might me. Once we found out the positive test result, I got those womanly, motherly feelings beating strongly within me. Actually that very early May morning I found out, I woke my husband up, with tears of joy down my cheeks. First thing I said to myself is "WOW, I am going to be a Mom!". Then, tears bursted through my face as I was happily smiling. I hugged my sleepy husband through those tears, as I laughed at the same time - a sweet, soft laughter. This was a beautiful Sunday morning and even-though we were both off that day and it was just about 6.00 AM, I couldn't sleep any longer. I was too excited, a little nervous, emotional, happy, a little scared, etc, etc. over what I had "discovered".
As I shared with you earlier this year (sometime in late Winter or Early Spring), it was in our plans to start a family this year and thankfully God-willing we got pregnant right away. So our big wish of starting a family and having our first child join the two of us, is indeed a reality growing inside me! It is a beautiful reality that I see through the photos of the ultra-sound every time I go in for a check. And even-though I haven't felt the baby yet (they say in 2-3 weeks I should feel the first kick), I know this healthy, beautiful, innocent, heart-beating, tiny human being is growing within me. This makes me so happy. It has also made me so much more nurturing in general, especially nurturing and caring towards my own body. I have never been a health freak, but at the same time I have never been unhealthy, not at all. I don't particularly eat unhealthy foods. I prefer boiled or grilled to fried foods for example. I love fruits and vegetables. I drink a lot of water. I do not smoke. I do not drink any soda or if I do, very rarely and no more than a glass for that day. But now that a tiny baby is growing inside me and depending on me to take care of him, I have to be way more careful. I have taken my Prenatal Vitamins and Acid Folic daily. I drink a lot of juices and most of them not concentrated, or straight from the store's bottled versions. I prefer to blend my own fruits and vegetables and drink them fresh. I don't eat any shellfish or sushi. I eat my meats and poultry cooked not raw. I make sure everything is cleaned well, etc, etc. Being pregnant changes you. It is a whole different lifestyle. I am sure once I am actually a mom and can carry my baby in my own arms, will change me even more. Hopefully in a better, positive way.
Probably by September I will start pregnancy shopping. I don't plan on buying a lot of things, not at all. I will mix and match my closet to the maximum, including clothes I already own that may fit me. As a matter of fact, my mom will do most of my pregnancy-clothes shopping for me, from United States. I like the choices and prices there much more than here in Albania. There are a lot less styles, let alone flattering/cute styles here and the prices are quite steep for clothes you get to wear for such a limited time, plus pregnancy clothing sales are almost non-existant. The fact that my mom will buy most of my clothes for me, even-though I will guide her and send her links and favorite items for most of them, is a little bit scary. Scary, not because I don't trust her taste and her judgement. She has great taste after all. She is a beautiful, classy woman. But, scary because I will not get to try them on first. And you know my body is going to change. It is already starting to change. But I will make sure I give her all the right measurements and directions. Layering will be a must while pregnant especially since I will be pregnant all Fall and most of Winter. I am sure there will be a few repeated outfits, due to the fact that I don't plan on buying a ton of stuff. However, I will do my best accessorizing, staying stylish, keeping cool and dressing cute as a mom-to-be! I need to show my belly all the love it needs and deserves, after all.
The most important part throughout this entire journey is being and staying healthy and not getting sick, both for me and for my baby. Thankfully I have had a pretty easy pregnancy so far. The worst part for me has been the super high temperatures we have had this summer. I have been pregnant all summer and especially dealing with this insane heat during the first trimester of your pregnancy, which is the most high-risk time and the time you got to be more careful, was a huge challenge for me. During those three months is when your body feels the most different hormonally. So my hormones combined with the high heat have caused some low blood pressure at times, which has further resulted in headaches, stomach aches, nausea, vertigo and fatigue. So, I apologize to you readers for how much I have complained over the super-hot summer, during these last 2 and a half months, in my blog posts. Now that my secret is out (=D) I think you can justify my complaining. I hear that it has been an overall hot summer throughout the planet. They are calling this summer 2012 - "African Summer". And it is because of this heat and the fact that I have lost appetite over so many foods I previously loved, that this last month I lost all 5-6 lbs. I gained in the first 8 weeks of my pregnancy. However, it hasn't affected my health or the baby's anyhow, so everything is perfectly normal - I am happy to state.
Well, so this was My Very Happy Announcement for today. Our family and most of my friends including some close virtual Facebook friends, have been told. But I have yet to announce it on Facebook. I feel as if I get more personal with you fellow bloggers on a daily basis. We do share moments of our lives and our daily outfits after all. That's why I shared this news with you FIRST, as far as virtually goes! With you I am not as shy. Facebook is a whole different ball game and I like to think of it as less intimate of a social site. However, probably before this week is over, I will probably share this VERY HAPPY & EXCITING BABY NEWS over on Facebook, as well. It has been hard as it is keeping it " a secret" for so long (we actually kept it to ourselves - just hubby and I - till I was two full months, before we told our families). I am so happy by this news, I want to shout it to the world!! Of course, our parents are very happy too! My husband and I both have younger siblings who aren't married or have kids. So this child will be the first grandchild for both sides of our families as well as the first niece or nephew for both my brother or his sister.
So, without any further adieu, I present you some photos showing off my baby bump. These photos were taken just a few days ago. It was a dress (non-pregnancy dress) I have worn previously before, this summer also, a dress that really showed off my little bump beautifully. I knew these photos would be the pictures I made my Baby Debut with, so I concentrated on the belly. I didn't try to hide it at all. I embraced it. I think for being some of the first photos where you could really see my baby bump, this was a nice, stylish outfit to dress my pregnant self. Hope you like them!
Thank You All for Reading!! I Appreciate it.
Short-Sleeve, Scoop-Neck, Raspberry-Red, Chiffon Dress w/ Braided
Neckline Detail: Banana Republic.
Long, Multi-Colored, Rainbow, Beaded Necklace: Charlotte Russe.
Silver, Leaf-Shaped, Dangly Earrings w/ Sparkly Rhinestones: White House Black Market.
Silver + Red, Thin, Stretchy, Rhinestone Bracelets (purchased together as a set of 3): White House Black Market.
Pink, Plastic Sunglasses: Kenneth Cole.
Ivory and Red-Printed, Silk, Strappy Sandals:
Simple Shoes.
P.S. I am also linking this outfit today with:

Ada, congratulations beautiful lady! This is such wonderful news, and I am so very happy for you and your husband! I can't wait to "meet" your little one!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks a Lot Bonnie. I, too am very very happy, as this long post attests. Husband and I both are. We are starting a big, important journey, but one that has its rewards no matter what. =)
DeleteCongratulations! You look beautiful and your bump is adorable :) When are you due?
Thanks a lot. It is a tiny bump so far. I am due at the end of January. Thanks again. =)
DeleteAww! Congratulations! It's a very exciting time for you. Wishing you and your family the best of luck. And good luck shopping for pregnancy clothes. I'm sure your Mom will do a great job. If you need any inspiration - Claire at Spinning threads (http://spinning-threads.blogspot.com/) Documented her pregnancy wear all through her third pregnancy. She did a great job remixing her regular clothes with maternity wear.
ReplyDeleteThanks a Lot Megan. Yes my mom has great taste plus I will have a say in what I want. I plan on mixing and matching my own non-pregnancy clothes with pregnancy clothes. I do follow Claire's blog. She has cute, eclectic taste.
DeleteAnd now, you understand why I have completed so much over the hot weather, this summer. LOL Thanks a lot, again.
ReplyDeleteTransatlantic Blonde
Thankssss. =)
DeleteMassa , parabéns beijos.
ReplyDeleteMuito obrigado, querida. =)
DeleteOh Ada, congratulations to you and your hubby ! You must both be so excited :) and this dress fits beautifully.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot Lorena. We are both very happy and very excited. The baby will make the debut at the end of January so 2013 will be a whole new type of year for us. =)