Friend Friday: One-Time Wearer or Re-Mixer?
FRIEND FRIDAY: One-Time Wearer or Re-Mixer?!
1. Are you a one-time wearer?
No, I am not a one-time wearer. If by that you mean if I wear the same exact outfit the same exact way then yes I am a one-time wearer. Because truth be told I may even pair the same pieces together (same top and same buttom) but I will do something different every time I pair them together, like change the shoes, wear different accessories, add a scarf, etc. I like to remix my clothes, even-though I have a large wardrobe and own a ton of pieces. I feel like if I remix, not only do I give my clothes and my closet a fair chance, but I also look different and wear that outfit the way I meant to style or wear it that particular day.
2. Do you feel the need to purchase something new for an evening out or a special event?
Even-though I have done that often, I haven't really felt the need to purchase something for a special occassion or event. My closet is filled with lots of dresses and I own a lot of fancy or cocktail/party dresses and other dressy items. I am never one of those people that if I have a sudden or not so-sudden event to go to, I need to run to the nearest store or mall and purchase something to wear. Of course, to "lie to myself" that I need something since I have a wedding or an event coming, I have at times looked for and/or even purchased new items. But truth be told, there is no such void - for special-event clothing - in my current closet.
3. Re-mixing is something a lot of bloggers are proud of being able to accomplish - are you a re-mixing pro or do you shy away from posting items frequently? Why?
I would not consider myself a remixing pro, since I have a tooooon of clothes and even own over 100 pieces I have never worn before or who are still in tags. However I definitely know and love to remix my wardrobe, so even if I may not call myself a PRO, I definitely feel that I am real good at it. But, at the same time, I try to give new pieces or pieces that I don't wear too often, a chance, so I wear them as well. I do get the "You never wear the same thing twice" or "You always have something new, on" comments every now and then and it may be or appear true, since I have a large closet, but my closet is remixable nevertheless. And I like to think of my closet as custom-made or taylored to me. I think every woman's closet should look and feel like they are made perfectly for her and only her.
4. Do you have a clothing budget or are you an impulse buyer?
A little bit of both. When I lived in USA, I was definitely a more Impulse Buyer than anything, and at times I had Buyer's Remorse but mostly I did not. Now that I live in Europe where my pay and my space are a lot smaller and limited, I buy less and I have given myself a monthly budget. At times I have gone way over it. But sometimes, I have been below it, as well. I don't ever want to go over 150$ every other month. I will try and usually do stay at 100$ a month, but every 2-3 months I might make it 150 bucks, instead.
5. Do you find yourself bored when reading a blog in which clothing items are often remixed and appear frequently?
No, not at all. Those kind of blogs inspire me and make me look at my own closet differently. Almost all bloggers, especially the most successful and popular ones (like Kendi, J's Everyday, Kasmira, etc.) remix their closets on a daily basis. Yet they always look so sharp and put-together and like they have new clothes on. That's the beauty of remixing and doing it well. =) I also like when I see fashion articles when they remix the same items of clothing in 3-7 different ways. For these reasons magazines like "In Style", "Lucky's" and "People Style" are three of my most favorite monthly magazines.
I really enjoy your answers! I feel very similar about remixing, it's always fun to make things look new or different.