A Dedication to Anabel & to 3 Fashionable Albanian Friends Whose Styles I Admire & Applaud!!
This blog is dedicated to ANABEL which is Albania's (My Country's) Most Fashionable, Most Stylish, Coolest, Chicest, TRULY AWESOME Magazine. It is a Guide of Fashion, and it covers Albanian Fashion & Style (also inspired from the Runways of New York, Paris, Milan, Tokyo, etc., as well as Fashion found on the street). From the Celebrities it features on its Beautiful Covers to the many more amazing articles inside, a lot of times featuring simple people like you and I who are Fashionistas in our own world, it is a great find and a fascinating read!! =] I would describe "Anabel" as US's version of "Vogue", "Vanity Fair" or "Elle" magazines. It truly is great and by far the most-read and most sought-after Fashion Magazine in Albania, very successful in less than 2 years that it has been on the market.
The Photo above is the current GORGEOUS Issue of Anabel, the September 2010 Edition. Ledina Celo is featured on the cover - a very successful Singer, TV Host & Showgirl. She has won several prizes in Musical Festivals and other Music Achievements. Also, this issue in particular features two of my Fashionista Blogger Friends, the Amazing Anjeza and the Eclectic Eranda. Both of these young twenty-something "dolls" have one thing in common: they present us with beautiful outfits every day and they have their own unique style, which definitely is worth checking out. No wonder ANABEL featured them, together with another Fashionable Friend of Mine, the Marvelous Megi. Check out their beautiful pages and fun styles. They will not dissappoint you, I promise.
And last but not least check out the Amazing Anabel!! I reccomend this to every Albanian Reader both in and out of Albania.
Below, enjoy a Colage of My Most Favorite Anabel Covers. First is a Fun Holiday Season, December 2009 Cover of The Sexy, Soft & Sweet-Voiced Singer Elvana Gjata. Second is the Polished, Teal-Green Cover featuring Jonida Maliqi who is one of the greatest singers and fashionistas currently in Albania, and who is now one of the fashion editors for Anabel. Third we have a Special COLORFUL Cover featuring the Gorgeous Blonde Marina Vjollca, who is currently one of the most popular and sought-after TV Hosts/Showgirls. 4th we have another Super-Sexy Singer Born in Kosova, the Fun, Feisty, Fierce, Definitely Hot & Unique Adelina Ismajli who is never afraid to be herself and be Risque!! In the cover she is covered in warm chocolate. The very last two Covers are My Most Favorite Ones of ANABEL, Yet. The Photo below the last features Classy & Chic, Pop & Ballad Singer Besa Kokedhima in a Beautiful, Unique Setting as a Housewife from 1950's. And the very last one is My Most Favorite ANABEL Cover, ever, also the Most Unique. It's a 2-page Cover which features (in Anabel's Opinion) the 10 Best Albanian Female Singers of the 1st Decade in the 21st Century. The colloboration, the photos and the interviews with each and every one of these ten amazing ladies, were great, too. The top 10 were (starting with the bottom rows): Besa Kokedhima, Jonida Maliqi, Soni Malaj & Jehona Sopi (left page), and Teuta Kurti, Eliza Hoxha, Eneda Tarifa, Anjeza Shahini, Juliana Pasha & Mariza Ikonomi. At some point in their beautiful & successful careers, all these Powerful Female Singers have made it far and have even won several prizes in the Albanian Fests, through the years. I, too, agree with their choices. =]

shame I can't read albanian.... but i definitely gonna buy the magazine while im there.... ;)