Holiday-Themed Q&A with The Blended Blog + Linkup.

Anticipating my big Christmas Home Tour tomorrow for Thursday Moda, I have a fun post for you today. The fantastic and stylish ladies from THE BLENDED BLOG decided to do a fun Holiday-Themed Question and Answer for anyone of their readers and other bloggers to participate in. I think it was Andrea's idea and what a great idea it was. This post went live on Monday December 4th and they even did a Holiday-themed linkup you can all join for the next 6 days or so. Of course as a lover of these types of questionnaires and a huge lover of the Christmas season I am a very happy participant.

1. Fake tree. I love a real tree don't get me wrong. As a child in Albania most years we had real trees but I love decorating early and I also like to keep my trees and decorations up at least until January 6th (like you are supposed to - it is the last day of the 40 days of Christmas), so for these reasons, fake trees are the way to go. Also, so far I have had a young child in my life and I figured fake trees are easier. And the last couple of years we have lived in the same house as my parents so my mom is a clean freak and she is not found of real trees. I will most definitely love to get a real tree perhaps next year, though. But I am sure cleaning up after a real tree would be a bitch lol.

2. The Butter (Danish) Cookies that are in tin boxes and are sold around the holidays. You can find them at Costco every year and other grocery stores carry them too like Kroger. They are pretty light, scrumptious and melt in your mouth. I am not much of a cookie person but I promise if you ever tried a butter cookie you will never look back.

3. Home on Christmas Morning. Always. No questions about it.

4. Both Clear and Colored Lights. I like decorating with either depending on the year or depending on what color theme I have going for my Christmas tree that year. And of course having a little one, she loves the rainbow lights twinkling on the tree. In general I prefer clear lights though.

5. Send Christmas Cards, yes. Since Vivian has been born, our Christmas cards have all been personalized. They are more meaningful that way and our relatives and friends love receiving them.

6. This is a hard one. I want to say Favorite Christmas Presents I have received are little things for Vivian before she was born. On December 2012 I was 8 and a half months pregnant so my mom and mother-in-law and my aunts too were definitely thoughtful in giving me gifts for my new soon-to-come baby. They are all beautiful and sentimental and I still have most of them.

7. I have given so many good presents to Vivian. Last year she loved all the dolls I selected for her, especially her Lalaloppsy doll and her Trolls doll.

8. Definitely stockings. We don't always or usually fill the adult stockings with things but the children's stockings definitely get cute things/little presents inside them.

9. Yes, I love Christmas PJs. The last few years I love Christmas PJs for the whole family, for the adults too, not just for kids. I kind of want to try matching Christmas PJs for the family, next year, Vivian got two new sets of Christmas PJs this year. I cannot wait for her to wear them.

10. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" - that is hands down my most favorite Christmas carol and the one that always puts me in a good mood, a festive mood and the one song I start playing first and most when I decorate my home for Christmas.

11. My Favorite Christmas tradition - almost every year we spend Christmas with my entire extended family and I always look forward to it. There is a lot of great food, a lot of laughs and a lot of dancing going on.

12. Last minute. I almost have no one I have shopped for this year yet, except I got almost all of Vivian's gifts lol.

13. Favorite show is "The Great Light Fight" on ABC. I love seeing all the gorgeous homes outdoor decorated and favorite movie is both "Home Alone" and "Home Alone 2". In my opinion to this day Home Alone is the best Christmas movie there is and I never get tired watching it.

14. I love all the fun Holiday drinks at Starbucks with Chestnut Praline being my absolute favorite. I also love a good machiatto and always, always a good glass of red wine. Last but not least a homemade hot chocolate topped with melting marshmallows and a dollop of nutella. It is delicious and I will share the recipe soon.

15. Yes, definitely cookies and milk a little hand-written letter for Santa. Carrots for the reindeer, too. 

You want to stop by my blog tomorrow. You don't want to miss part one of my Christmas Home Tour. I will be joined by a few other ladies too as we each share our Homes for Christmas. But I will be honest, I took a ton of photos and I have a lot of photos so I have so much editing to do, so the post will be up by 10-ish on Thursday morning.

Happy Hump Day!

Before joining today, there are a couple of simple rules: First, please, make sure you follow my blog Elegance and Mommyhood  on Instagram and Bloglovin.  Secondly, if you link up today, I kindly ask that you link back to my blog please. It's the right thing to do, thanks.  This is mostly a Fashion/Style linkup, but ALL posts are always welcome. 

Thank you for linking up today and for making THURSDAY MODA a success, going strong for a year and a half now.  And let me know if you'd ever like to co-host, we can set up a date. It is FREE and a good exposure to your blog. =)

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. It was fun to read your answers Ada! I've not had a single drink from Starbuck's in ages but yours sounds delicious. Maybe over the Christmas holiday I'll indulge a little!

  2. I love butter cookies too! :) Hope you have a lovely Christmas dear Ada!

  3. Yum! Butter cookies are so good! Loved reading your answers! Looking forward to your home tour tomorrow!

  4. I just love reading about everyone's Christmas traditions! I'm with you on almost everything but the tree! Gotta have a real one :-D - but we always had a fake one before the boys!

    pumps and push-ups

  5. I love reading these posts! I had forgotten all about the Butter Danish Cookies, I love those! I love any gift that my son had made or gotten me too. Those are the best gifts.


  6. I am a "real tree" gal, nothing beats that marvellous smell in the mornings !

  7. What a fun post. Stockings and Christmas pj's are a must in my book as well! Merry Christmas!
    Rebecca @

  8. I grew up with fake Christmas trees (my brother's have terrible allergies) but last year my husband and I bought a real tree for the first time and it was so fun!! It is a gamble as you never know how long the tree will last.


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