When Life Gives You Lemons...
...You make lemonade and put lots of sugar in it. Where am I getting at?
Read on (if you are patient) and you will know what I am talking about…
As some of you may have noticed, I have been absent from the
blogging world for about a week and a half. No new posts, no comments, no
link-ups, nothing. Unfortunately during this time my sweet little girl Vivian
was hospitalized. We were at the children’s hospital for 10 days and I was with
her 24/7 but I will tell you she is stronger and more resilient than me. We
only got home, yesterday afternoon.
As I have mentioned a couple of times before, including a couple of weeks ago, Vivian has had a tough Winter and even tougher Spring, health-wise. She has
been to the doctors more times that I can count and has tried different medicines
and antibiotics. It all started last December when she got a little cold and
the flu altogether. She took antibiotics for 6 days straight and got much
better quickly. Even her appetite started getting better and she even started
gaining a little bit of weight. Plus, finally after almost 3 months of being at
her newer daycare (since October 2014), she started eating all of her meals
there, in early January. She refused the food there for 3 months straight
though her sleep, socializing skills, playing with the other kids and her
friendliness towards the other kids was great.
Back in December we were told she had a cold and her cough
was horrible. As a matter of fact she has had this terrible cough on and off
since January 2014 when she got sick for the first time right after she turned
one. The cough would stop at times and during bad colds and/or bad weather and
when Vivian would get a little virus or a little cold, the cough would pick up
roughly, again. It was awful. The cough did improve during last Summer and in
August last year she never coughed one day. Last Fall we even went to a an
allergy specialist and found out the cough was a little bit due to allergies
too, but Vivian was still very young for them to determine more. Her bloodwork
came out well, too. Flash forward to March 2015 and her coughing was so heavy
and it would cause her to throw up often, made her mad and she would even wake
up crying a lot since the cough would wake her up and it would take a long time
for Vivian to get back to sleep. Her appetite went down-hill, she started
losing even more weight and she is a little thin for her age to begin with. The
cough was the result of another cold and bronchitis as we discovered after
seeing the doctor. The bronchitis and
cold were accompanied by fever on and off, sometimes the fever would be very
high. The doc put her on more antibiotics and a cough syrup. 5 straight days of
antibiotics kept her cough a little lower and her fever went away mostly. She
got better but then about 10 days later, I get a phone call from the daycare
that she woke up from her afternoon nap with high fever. I kept getting that
same call a couple more times, the following week, as well. After a few more
visits at her pediatrician, who has been Vivian’s doctor since she was 9 months
old and knows her health history well, we put Vivian once again on 7 straight
days of the same antibiotics and even started a new cough syrup. But it didn’t
work. Nothing worked completely or nothing really resulted on much improvement.
Her health wasn’t improving, not at all. As a matter of fact, it seems things
got worse. She was barely eating and sleeping and her coughing was so heavy and
at times made her hard to breathe and kept her nose stuffed up.
Two weeks ago we took Vivian to a new doctor who is also a
pediatrician who specializes in colds and allergies. She came very highly
recommended to us . She told us that Vivian had a strong case of Bronchitis and
we would try to fight it off with a couple of bio syrups since her body had
already taken a lot of antibiotics to begin with. Then, about two weeks ago on
Thursday, I ended up picking Vivian up earlier from daycare, after another
little fever episode and was told by her teachers she had been coughing all
day. Her cough was horrible on Friday and she threw up twice because of it.
That day we were supposed to do an X-ray for her at the hospital. We decided to
do the X-ray at the children’s hospital where the new doctor (who specializes
in colds and allergies) works, also. The X-ray results were really bad and
after several doctors discussed Vivian’s case among them, we were told she
would be submitted to the hospital for some fast, good medical care. Vivian was
diagnosed with Broncho-pneumonia and her blood work showed she was highly
allergic too. Thankfully, so far from what we can tell none of it is food
allergies. She is mostly allergic to changes in the weather, air, pollution,
dust, certain flowers, trees and plants and other natural things like these.
Sweet Vivian spent 10 days at the children’s hospital next
to me who shared the same bed with her every night. She got such excellent care
from all the nurses and doctors and after a final x-ray and a scanner and
ultra-sound, the doctors could see about 70% improvement from her first day in.
The new antibiotics which she took during her hospital stay 5 times a day,
worked fast and most of her blood testing came out really well. During our
hospital stay my husband and other family members would visit us twice a day
bringing both of us food and clean clothes when needed, also. This whole
experience was so scary and very difficult on all of us, especially on me as
her mamma. But hospitalization was the right step towards her recovery. Now we
are back home and Vivian still has to take several meds for a while longer,
especially since the doctors are trying to avoid a possible case of asthma for
the future. I am spending every day with her and will not take her to daycare
at least until June 1st. All I need for her is to continue to be
resilient, start get better and be her strong, sassy, brave self. Even-though
Vivian has been through hell the last few months, especially the last couple of
weeks, she never lost her feisty attitude and her energy impressed us all,
especially all the nurses that saw her several times a day. You have to
understand she is only two years and a 4 months old (exactly on the dot today she turned 28 months) and still teething, so this hasn’t
been easy at all on her. We hope to
continue to see much more improvement and for her to start to eat more. And
hopefully we will go on a beach vacation soon in late June or early July, once
Vivian is feeling much better. The salty water, sand and sun will do her well,
This was difficult
for me to write and share with you all, but there are several of you who read
my blog daily and several of you who I consider my blogging friends. There are
many of you who have asked about her health too. So, I felt like I needed to
share this with you. To all of you who have e-mailed me while I was at the
hospital with my daughter and who have sent me your get well soon wishes and
have prayed for Vivian to get well, thank you so very much. I appreciate it
more than I could ever express it. Before your child’s health, every other
matter becomes minimal or non-existent. I love my daughter with every ounce of
my body and will do anything for her to live a happy and healthy life. I
planned on slowing down here on the blog this Summer (I thought about that way
before Vivian’s hospital stay). At this point, I haven’t decided whether my
leave of absence for work will be temporary or permanent either. I do know that being by Vivian’s side is the
most important thing to do. I will still blog - outfits and even some other
non-fashion posts - but how often will I post I do not know. Thank you to all
of you who read and follow my blog. Thank you to all of you who read this today
(it was long I know).
Bottom line is that
after even the most torrid of rains, the rainbow always comes in its bright,
colorful glory. That’s what I meant about When Life Gives You Lemons... When
life gives you lemons, you add a lot of sugar to it and make lemonade. What else can you do!?
Ada, I'm so sorry to hear about Viv, I hope she is feeling better. I haven't been blogging regularly these past couple of weeks for the children's reason too. My boys are having an important exam and I thought it is essential for me to spend time with them. We have to set our priority straight. Kids and family first then everything else. Take your time and I wish you and family the best of summer. We're always going to be here when you come back. Take care!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear your beautiful daughter has been so unwell! But how wonderful that after a short stay in the hospital she is getting much better!
ReplyDeleteIt's never easy when your baby is in the hospital, but it's great that it's really turning things around for her health wise. I hope she continues to improve!
You are right, nothing matters more than kids, or family of any type. blogging is always second to real life, that's the way it should be.
Hello Ada :) I am glad to hear Vivian does better and I hope she'll be fully recovered soon. Daycare can be a real pain on children's health because they will be exposed. My son has been round the clock "sick" during the winter months ever since he entered kindergarten, including a light pneumonia last winter, which we didn't detect immediately either. And I can perfectly understand when you consider to slow down with the blogging thing to have more time with her, especially over summer. I'll be around less in July & August too because of that.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice week and all the best.
Alex - FJ
Thank you so much for the update Ada! After reading on Rachel's blog that Ada was sick and noticing your lack of posts, I kept meaning to email you to check on you. I'm really sorry I did not get that done. I have been praying for you all. I am glad that to hear that she is home. I'm so sorry you all had to go through this. I can only imagine how scary it was for you. It sounds like you have kept your always amazing positive attitude. I hope she continues to improve and that your new doctor who specializes in this will be a great help to you all in the future.
ReplyDeleteAmy Ann
Straight A Style
whoops, I just realized I said your name instead of Vivian in my second sentance. I blame it on the lack of coffee...
DeleteOh my goodness!!! Poor Vivian!! That is probably one of the scariest things any mother has to do!! I can't imagine! I'm so sorry you're having to go through this but I am so happy to hear Vivian is doing much better! I'll be praying for little Vivian and that she has a full recovery!!! Stay strong mama!!
ReplyDelete<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles

How awful! I'm so sorry your family has to go through all of this right now. Keeping you all in my prayers -xx
How awful! I'm so sorry your family has to go through all of this right now. Keeping you all in my prayers -xx
What an ordeal, Ada! I can't imagine how stressful it would be to have your child hospitalized for 10 days! I'm glad they have a diagnosis. Not knowing is the worst. I'm glad to see you back but more importantly, I hope your daughter gets better soon. You will both be in my prayers. Thanks for the update. ~Cynthia
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that Vivian is doing better. I know that you had to be scary out of your mind. Also sound like you mad a great choice switching her dr.
I'm so sorry to hear about Vivian but so glad she's doing better!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad Vivian is doing better and you both are back home! Sending prayers that she stays strong and healthy!
Doused In Pink
What a journey for you and your daughter. I am so sorry to hear about what you went through but so good to hear that she is back home. I will say a prayer for you and her and for her continued recovery. God Bless!
Wow 10 days in the hospital! I would have gone crazy but you (and Vivian) are so strong. I am glad she is feeling better though. Prayers still coming your way.
Garay Treasures
So very sorry to hear you, your daughter and family have had such tremendous challenges. As a mother, my heart goes out to you. I know this must weigh heavily on you. It sounds like you've found a great physician who can get this issue resolved. Hugs to you all. T.
ReplyDeleteI'm so very sorry to hear about your daughter Ada :( I hope she feels better! She's such a little fighter. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and I'm very glad Vivian is home after 10 days. We missed you here in the blogging world but family comes first!
Oh, Ada... you have been through so much, a mother really does her job 24/7, even when our child(ren) are asleep, we can be up worrying about them or holding them for comfort. Autumn was in the hospital for 4 days, because of her asthma and that was 2 years ago... she has had some ER visits since then, but she hasn't needed to be admitted. I feel this winter was extra harsh, my kids and myself included were sicker than we have ever been. The winter before this one was mild for us... so, I am thinking this is just a WICKED year for sickness and I am keeping my fingers crossed this next winter won't be as bad. Both of my kids are on Singular, which is a daily pill they take at night for their allergies. I hope Vivi does not get asthma, both of my kids have it... BOTH... and, its a bummer, but thank goodness for modern medicine. I remember being so upset when they both had to go on the daily inhaler, BUT... it has saved me a lot of stressful asthma attacks with them, so I remember how it is worth it and the best for them (and Nathan doesn't even need to be on it anymore, the doctor evaluates them every 6 mo. and with improvement they can be taken off it). I think beach vacation would do you all some good! Sorry for my ramble! I will still keep Vivi in my prayers and I hope she stays well and her immune system can build back up again after such a rough winter and spring!! xx Carrie
ReplyDeleteDear Ada, I can't imagine what you have been through these days. I'm happy little Vivian is feeling better now. She will be in my prayers. Family is first, everything else can wait. I hope she gets a full recovery soon.
ReplyDeleteA big hug!
We Shop in Heels
Ada, I am sorry I missed this post, I feel your pain... there is nothing worst than a sick child but I am so glad she is on her way to a full recovery. Wishing her and your family all the best.
I appreciate you sharing all this. I was worried when I saw you took a blog break that there was something going on with Vivian and was praying for all of you. I am so sorry to hear that was the case. I hope that little sunshine is back on the mend for good this time. It is rough having a child sick at all and I cannot imagine what you and Vivian have been through. I am sending prayers and hugs!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness Ada, that is so scary! I am so sorry that Vivian has been so sick, poor little sweet girl! I'm glad she's doing better, and my prayers are with you that she just keeps getting better and better!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry you all had to go through that and I am so happy that all is well, take care of that sweet little girl