Neutrals in Layers and a Vivian Update.

First of all, these photos/outfits of Vivian and I are a few weeks old, just when I started wearing the 10 items I chose for the Top 10 Remix with Sarah. The Outfit is just OK: some Creamy Neutrals with a pop of Navy and Burgundy. It kind of feels Fall-ish though trust me it was worn in very early Spring. It is good for today and to link up with Carrie and Whitney for the Create 28 which after Stripes, the theme was Skirts. Actually my Pencil Skirt (Top 10 item) has those asymmetric Navy Pleated Stripes, on the front, also. But I happen to love Vivian's Outfit and these pictures of her from that day. Since Vivian has been MIA on the blog mostly this month and I haven't done a recent update on her, I figured I should post this today on the last Monday of April (whaaaat?!)
Vivian absolutely loves a picture camera, especially the flash light part and to click the buttons on it lol. These days she is more about being behind the camera (i.e. messing with it and being curious about all the camera's buttons, etc) than being in front of it. I have a hard time taking nice pictures of her because she doesn't sit still for a minute. Anyway, below is a more general update on her.
Vivian Health Update and more:
A week ago on the 19th Vivian turned 27 months which makes her exactly 2 years and a quarter old. Time flies, I tell you. This month she has been more sick than not, as I have mentioned on this blog, before. It actually started in March when she got a bad cold. It lasted almost two weeks, most of which time I took off from work and we took her off from daycare. Vivian doesn't really like the sweet juicy medicines. Therefore every time she gets sick, we have to fight it in other ways. We had to give her antibiotics via shots both last month and this month. My poor baby had to be poked twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) for 5 days at a time, last month and this month but there is no other way since she doesn't take her meds by mouth or when she does she throws up. We have a nurse come at our home and Vivian totally recognized the nurse since after the first day and wasn't happy to see her when she did. But this month, just last week she was a pro and very well-behaved during the last couple of days of her shots. She laid down on her own and it was easy for me to hold her. After the shot, she cried very little but still, my heart feels for her. 

Unfortunately we are dealing on and off (for over a year now) with a bad, bad cough, too. It gets worse when Vivian gets a cold or gets sick, but a specialist told us it is probably partially allergic too. We are taking her in to see another doctor for it and hopefully start some type of allergy medicine (hopefully she drinks it) to get rid of the bad, bad cough. Between the illness, new teeth coming out (poor little girl), the allergy season and the Sprinter (Spring mixed with Winter) we are having, Vivian' appetite and sleep have been affected, too. It sucks. I can only hope she grows stronger from all of this and so does her immune system. Though most parents tell me that it is temporary and all little kids go through this. Despite it all, Vivian is happy, laughing and full of energy most of the time. But yeah at times she throws those temper tantrums that the terrible twos are known for. We look forward to each day with her as she grows and learns new things to do, say and discover each day! She is my life's biggest blessing!

Vivian's Bright Red+Cranberry+Purple Colors of her Outfit sort of go with my pops of Burgundy and Navy from my Outfit. I love this photo of us, by the way.
Vivian's absolute favorite TV Show (and character) is "Pocoyo". In the last couple of months we 'discovered' "Peppa Pig" and I must say she loves that show, as well. So we alternate between these and "Teletubbies" depending on what she says she wants to see.
Love this little beauty of mine, so very much. She just stepped very close to the camera as I was trying to photograph her and I suddenly took this close-up photo but I love it. My favorite picture from that day.
Nude/Beige 3/4-Sleeve, Silk-blend Cardigan, Embellished w/ Sequins: The Limited (similar in blush pink, Splurge), (bolero option by Robert Rodriguez, great deal, love this), (similar by Boden in baby pink, best deal, love this).
Nude+Pastel Colored, Cashmere-blend Scarf w/ Polka Dots: Borrowed from Mother-in-Law (I have given it to her as a gift; originally from Lord & Taylor) (similar in beige+white, great deal, love this), (similar in lavender+beige, love this), (similar by Target, best deal).

Vivian's Outfit:
Red, Penguin Tee w/ Long Sleeves: A Random Kohl's.
Cranberry Corduroy Skirt: Hand-me-down from a friend.
Purple Leggings: A Random Children's Boutique.
Navy Patent Leather Booties: A Children's Shoe Boutique.

P.S. I am linking up with Carly, Carylee + Gina, Ellen, Erin, Jess, Jessica, 


  1. I hope your daughter gets well soon. I will say a prayer for her. She is absolutely adorable! Your look is spectacular and I adore that skirt. :)

  2. I'm so sorry about your daughters health I really hope she gets well soon!! Kisses and Prayers from me. I love yours and vivians outfit so cute and chic!

  3. very nice...i hope your baby gets well soon

  4. She is seriously too cute. Hope she feels better soon -xx


  5. Vivian is so adorable. I hope the dr's can figure out what is wrong with her.

  6. I have a hard time getting pictures of my toddler too, he loves to take them and will only be in them if he can make a silly face ;) Hope you're sweet girl starts feeling better soon, we have a good two months this winter that my son was sick, it was rough!

    pumps and push-ups

  7. Cute outfit! I hope Vivian feels better, it's always a good idea to get a second and third opinion.

  8. Your sequined cardigan is just fabulous! So sorry to hear all little Vivian has been going through. I hope her health improves very soon and she can get back in front of the camera again! Have a wonderful week, Ada.

  9. Pretty, pretty Vivian! Great skirt, Ada!

  10. I am sorry to read that Vivian hasn't been feeling well still. She still looks happy and adorable with that camera and these shots.
    Rachel xo

    Garay Treasures

    1. Thank you Ada for linking this post to "Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me" yesterday, always a pleasure.
      Rachel xo

      Garay Treasures

  11. That is so sad to hear that Vivian has been having such a tough time! I hope she gets better and stays better soon!

  12. I hope Vivian starts to feel better soon! It's no fun being sick, especially for an extended period of time. I am sure as a parent it's a very difficult time to deal with. However, she looks adorable in these pictures!

  13. Awe cute photos

  14. It sounds like she has had a tough winter! I hope that the sunshine and warmer weather brings good health. It seems like they catch everything when they are little. Beautiful skirt Ada!! Susan

  15. Little Miss Viv is getting so big! Such a little lady!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  16. I'm sorry Vivian has had a tough time this winter! I hope she is feeling better soon! She is looking adorable in her red, purple and pink!

    Doused In Pink

  17. Sounds like your little one has had a tough time of it lately. Good thing kids are so resilient.

    I love your skirt with the graphic on it. So unique.


  18. Oh Gosh Ada I hope Vivian gets better, not fun with getting sick!! Best wishes she is well. Love to see her pics too.Lovely neutrals, you have a great smile too!
    thanks for linking up with TH Tuesday!
    jess xx

  19. Vivian is so adorable!! I'm sorry she's had a rough month with being sick, I hope that May is a better one for her and she gets better soon!!

  20. I wonder if it is an asthma cough... both of my kids will cough near the end of a cold (they have cold triggered asthma) and sometimes it can get so bad it is constant. We use their inhalers and it helps with the cough most of the time, but sometimes they need to go on an oral steroid for 5 days and it is amazing the cough goes away within a half hour of the medicine. I never knew that coughing could be asthma, but I guess you learn a lot of things when you're a mom! I can't believe you have to give her the antibiotics by shots, if only the poor thing knew that just swallowing the medicine would relieve her from a shot! But, I guess at 2 she doesn't know :) I am glad to hear she is doing much better. This winter was especially rough for my children and I this year and I think its been one of our worst (last winter the were hardly sick). Anyway, hugs to you both! And, as always you look great!!

    1. Thank you so much for such a thorough response and all your tips. I have to take her to a specialist and think of an asthma bronchitis as a possibility! =(

  21. The two stripes really elevate that otherwise average pencil skirt, a great choice!

    From Jing at


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